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“Numbers are like people… torture them long enough and they’ll tell you anything...” Linear transformation.

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Presentation on theme: "“Numbers are like people… torture them long enough and they’ll tell you anything...” Linear transformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Numbers are like people… torture them long enough and they’ll tell you anything...” Linear transformation

2 On this chapter, we will learn... Explain what is meant by transforming data Discuss the advantages of transforming linear data Tell where y=log (x) fits into the hierarchy of power transformation Explain the ladder of power transformation Explain how linear growth differs form exponential growth

3 Activity 1 HOURS Number s 1.01.8 1.52.4 2.03.1 2.54.3 3.05.8 3.58.0 4.010.6 4.514.0 5.018.0 Graph and find the linear regression line for the number of bacteria present after 3.75 hours.

4 Hours = -4.2744 + 3.9433 (bacteria) Predicted number of bacteria after 3.75 hours 2.024 bacteria IS THIS AN ACCURATE PREDICTION? Linear regression Scatter plots Residual plots HOURS Number s 1.01.8 1.52.4 2.03.1 2.54.3 3.05.8 3.58.0 4.010.6 4.514.0 5.018.0

5 Applying a function such as the logarithm or square root to a quantitative variable is called transforming or re- expressing the data Linear Transformation

6 Properties of Logarithm

7 First steps in transforming In unit of measurement: Celsius to Fahrenheit (in temperature) Miles to Kilometers (in distance) Pounds to Kilograms (in weight) Linear transformation

8 However, our focus will be on: power and logarithmic transformation

9 Punch these in... Average weight and length of harvested salmon

10 A. Scatterplots B. Linear Model Weight = -299.0423 + 25.2024 (length) Correlation =.95

11 Now let’s transform the model by taking the cube of the lengths and then graph the weight versus length with this transformation Weight = a x (length) 3

12 A. Scatterplots B. Linear Model Weight = 4.0658 +.o1467 (length) 3 Correlation =.99

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