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Section 4. India After the Guptas Section 4. India After the Guptas.

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2 Section 4. India After the Guptas Section 4. India After the Guptas

3 Decline of Buddhism Decline of Buddhism Theravada Buddhists –Believed Buddhism was a way of life

4 Mahayana Buddhists –Believed Buddhism was a religion

5 Both died out in India

6 The Sultanate of Delhi

7 In the 900’s Turkish Muslims took over most of India Muslims never absorbed

8 Timur Lenk (the Lame) (aka Tamerlane)

9 Mongol from Samarkand (in Afghanistan) Early 1400’s conquered Russia and Persia Mongol from Samarkand (in Afghanistan) Early 1400’s conquered Russia and Persia

10 Burned Baghdad, killed all in Delhi Died on the way to conquer China Burned Baghdad, killed all in Delhi Died on the way to conquer China

11 22 Section 5. civilization in Southeast Asia

12 Peninsulas and Islands Mountains and Rain Forests Geography Geography

13 Result: never unified

14 Buddha from Thailand 17 Influenced by China and India (Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims)

15 22 Angkor Cambodia (Kampuchea today) Khmer people

16 Built Angkor Wat-world’s largest religious structure

17 Gate of Angkor 4

18 Khmer Warriors 4

19 Peaked 1200

20 22 Vietnam

21 Controlled by China for 1000 years Independent in 939

22 22 Thailand

23 Defeated Angkor Became Buddhist Indian Political practices

24 22 Burma

25 Kingdom of Pagan Buddhists Indian style politics and culture

26 22 Malays

27 Populated most of the Pacific (Hawaii)

28 The End

29 Source 1. 100 Great Archaeological Discoveries.Paul G. Bahn. Barnes and Noble.1995 2. A History of Western Art. Laurie Schneider Adams. Brown and Benchmark.1994 3. Aegean Rivals. Daisy More, John Bowman. Boston Pub.. 1986 4. Atlas of World History.Noel Grove.National Geographic 1997 5. Atlas of World History vol 1. Kinder and Hilgerman. Anchor.1974 6. Atlas of World History vol 2. Kinder and Hilgerman. Anchor.1978

30 7. Dynansties of the East.Milton and Murphy. Boston Pub..1987 8. Early Man.F. Clark Howell.Time Inc.. 1965 9. Everyday Life Throughout the Ages. Michael Worth Davison.Readers Digest.1992 10. History of Art vol. 1.Anthony F. Janson. Prentice Hall. 1991 11. Military History vol 10 no 4. Gregg R. Oehler. Empire Press.Oct. 1993 12. Military History vol 6 no 4. Gregg R. Oehler. Empire Press. Feb. 1990 13. Picturing the Past. Brian Davison. English Heritage. 1997 14. Roman Britain. English Heritage. 1996 15. Sunrise of Power. Joyce Milton. Boston Pub.. 1986

31 16. The Order of Rome. Jack Holland, John Monroe. Boston Pub..1986 17. The Story of Art. E.H. Gombrich. Phaidon Press. 1966 18. The Western Heritage. Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment, Frank M. Turner. Macmillan. 1983 19. TransparencyWest Pub.. 1998 20. TransparencyMcDougall Littell. 1999 21. Transparency A. J. Nystrom Inc.. 22. Transparency D. C. Heath 23. Warfare in the Middle Ages. Richard Humble. Brompton Books.1989 24. Western Civilization vol 1. Noble, Strause et. al.. Houghton Miflin.1994 25. World History, Patterns of Interactions. Beck, Black et. al..McDougall Littell. 1999

32 25


34 18

35 Religions of Southeast Asia 17

36 Trade Routes 17

37 Samurai armor and sword 25

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