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Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire _ 05 Mars 2015 R EQUIREMENTS AND C HARACTERISTICS OF THE Φ0.1 MM C U B E WIRE.

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Presentation on theme: "Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire _ 05 Mars 2015 R EQUIREMENTS AND C HARACTERISTICS OF THE Φ0.1 MM C U B E WIRE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire _ 05 Mars 2015 R EQUIREMENTS AND C HARACTERISTICS OF THE Φ0.1 MM C U B E WIRE

2 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R EQUIREMENTS OF THE Φ0.1 MM C U B E WIRE Elasticity Reflectivity Visibility Roundness Roughness Conductivity Tensile strength Diameter Weight Sag Regularity Resolution of the system M EASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES Constant strength Form Magnetism

3 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R EFLECTIVITY, V ISIBILITY Thomas Schneider

4 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire E LASTICITY, T ENSILE S TRENGTH, S AG, W EIGHT California Fine Wire Company Good Fellow Curves following the specifications, but measurement device not well adapted to such a thin sample I will check the weight using a fine weighting device To reduce the sag a high tensile strength and/or a low weight are needed A high weight reduces the handiness and the elasticity Alexandre Gérardin

5 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY California Fine Wire company _ Keyence digital microscope _ every 5mm

6 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY Good Fellow company _ Position 1 _ Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 143nm

7 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY Good Fellow company _ Position 2 (about 12mm further) _ AFM 317nm

8 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY California Fine Wire company _ Position 1 _ AFM

9 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY California Fine Wire company _ Position 2 (about 4mm further) _ AFM 53 nm 438 nm

10 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY California Fine Wire company _ Position 3 (about 1m further) _ AFM

11 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY California Fine Wire company _ around Position 3 _ Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy

12 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY Measurement accuracy: ±2µm Didier Glaude

13 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire R OUGHNESS, F ORM, R OUNDNESS, D IAMETER, R EGULARITY Spinning Mount Measuring device Camera, LASER, … Wire

14 Claude SANZRequirements and characteristics of the Φ0.1mm CuBe wire C ONCLUSION The wire reflects more in infrared than in visible light The test for the strength is not well adapted to this wire The wire is neither regular along its length (diameter) nor around itself (roughness/form) -> The sensor I will choose may need to be spinning… (Sensor or wire?) Not all the irregularities are part of the wire -> A way of cleaning the wire must be found before using it for the final measurements The roundness must be measured… -> I will contact a colleague of my accademical supervisors’ to get help -> We might have a mount which could be adapted in the metrology lab The magnetic measurements and the electric measurements are to be done… -> Any idea?

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