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2. School Ethos Leighton, R. 2011. Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London.

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1 2. School Ethos Leighton, R. 2011. Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London

2 ‘the introduction of a subject aimed at democratic citizenship has merely highlighted gaps between the stated aims and practices of this area and the rest of what happens in schooling’. (Harber 2009; pp89/90) Most schools have a mission statement which reflects their ethos a) What is your school’s stated ethos? b) Does this accurately describe the day to day CE experience of being in that school? If not, write a 30 word (or shorter) mission statement which you consider to be more accurate. Leighton, R. 2011. Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London

3 ‘pupils are expected to have opportunities to be actively involved in the life of their schools, neighbourhoods and local communities which in turn present ‘opportunities for schools to address their statutory duty to promote community cohesion’ (QCA, 2007; p29) Leighton, R. 2011. Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London

4 ‘[t]here remain schools where leaders have done little or nothing to respond to a National Curriculum requirement that has now been in place for seven years.’ (Ofsted 2010, p32) What do you think the reasons might there be for this? Leighton, R. 2011. Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London

5 In what ways might the organisation and ethos of a large secondary school have to be different to those of a primary school with fewer than 300 pupils? Leighton, R. 2011. Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London

6 Bibliography Harber, C. (2009) Toxic Schooling: How Schools Became Worse Nottingham: Educational Heretics Press Leighton, R. (2011) Teaching Citizenship Education: A Radical Approach London: Continuum Office for Standards in Education (2010) Citizenship Established? Manchester: Ofsted Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (2007) The National Curriculum for England Nottingham: QCA Leighton, R. 2011. Teaching Citizenship Education Continuum: London

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