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Our mission: The Vernon Baptist Church exists to glorify God by helping people come to know and become like Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Our mission: The Vernon Baptist Church exists to glorify God by helping people come to know and become like Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our mission: The Vernon Baptist Church exists to glorify God by helping people come to know and become like Jesus.

2 Our mission: The Vernon Baptist Church exists to glorify God by helping people come to know and become like Jesus. Our priorities: We will therefore emphasize the following priorities in our church’s ministry.

3 Priority 1: Reaching out like Jesus – helping God’s people become involved in redemptive relationships with the lost. Priority 2: Loving like Jesus – helping God’s people become involved in accountable relationships with their fellow members. Priority 3: Worshiping like Jesus – inspiring God’s people toward greater spiritual discipline and whole hearted devotion to God. Priority 4: Serving like Jesus – equipping God’s people for ministry and involving them in it.

4 Priority 1: Reaching out like Jesus – helping God’s people become involved in redemptive relationships with the lost. Priority 2: Loving like Jesus – helping God’s people become involved in accountable relationships with their fellow members. Priority 3: Worshiping like Jesus – inspiring God’s people toward greater spiritual discipline and whole hearted devotion to God. Priority 4: Serving like Jesus – equipping God’s people for ministry and involving them in it.

5 Priority 1: Reaching out like Jesus – helping God’s people become involved in redemptive relationships with the lost. Priority 2: Loving like Jesus – helping God’s people become involved in accountable relationships with their fellow members. Priority 3: Worshiping like Jesus – inspiring God’s people toward greater spiritual discipline and whole hearted devotion to God. Priority 4: Serving like Jesus – equipping God’s people for ministry and involving them in it.

6 Priority 1: Reaching out like Jesus – helping God’s people become involved in redemptive relationships with the lost. Priority 2: Loving like Jesus – helping God’s people become involved in accountable relationships with their fellow members. Priority 3: Worshiping like Jesus – inspiring God’s people toward greater spiritual discipline and whole hearted devotion to God. Priority 4: Serving like Jesus – equipping God’s people for ministry and involving them in it.

7 We dream of a church where … people are excited about God and what He is people are excited about God and what He is doing. They are living in eager anticipation of doing. They are living in eager anticipation of their Lord’s return. They often “brag” about their Lord’s return. They often “brag” about their church to family, friends, and coworkers their church to family, friends, and coworkers and invite them to regular services and special and invite them to regular services and special events. Baptisms occur and new members are events. Baptisms occur and new members are added on a monthly basis as members practice added on a monthly basis as members practice lifestyle evangelism and new converts are lifestyle evangelism and new converts are assimilated into the body. assimilated into the body.

8 We dream of a church where … Ministries are fully staffed and leadership is Ministries are fully staffed and leadership is expanding as members discern their expanding as members discern their calling and learn to use their gifts in minis- calling and learn to use their gifts in minis- try. It is not unusual to see young people try. It is not unusual to see young people and others answer the call to full time voca- and others answer the call to full time voca- tional ministry and missions. The impact of tional ministry and missions. The impact of our ministry is felt both locally and around our ministry is felt both locally and around the world, and the people of Vernon and the the world, and the people of Vernon and the surrounding towns hold the Vernon Baptist surrounding towns hold the Vernon Baptist Church in high regard. They know we are Church in high regard. They know we are here. Offerings consistently exceed budgets here. Offerings consistently exceed budgets and multiple staff members are employed. and multiple staff members are employed.

9 We dream of a church where … Prayer infuses everything with a sense of Prayer infuses everything with a sense of God’s presence, while accurate, relevant Bible God’s presence, while accurate, relevant Bible teaching provides a strong foundation for all of teaching provides a strong foundation for all of church life, including vibrant worship and small church life, including vibrant worship and small group ministries. The Vernon Baptist Church is group ministries. The Vernon Baptist Church is known as a place where people of all ages can known as a place where people of all ages can find God. People entering our fellowship will find God. People entering our fellowship will be impressed by the grace, love, and holy awe be impressed by the grace, love, and holy awe they immediately sense within the congrega- they immediately sense within the congrega- tion. tion.

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