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Workfare Movement for the Future September, 2012.

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1 Workfare Movement for the Future September, 2012

2 Main goals: Equal/ higher wages! Equal rights! Fair treatment! Better working conditions! Maintain safety precautions! Active labor market interventions – provide a way out!

3 Members: Active members (weekly meetings) 15-20 Not regular activists 20-25 Volunteers and trainees 4-5 Contact with people employed in the workfare system in other cities 20-25 (online) Potential organizing fields: Debrecen, Borsodbóta.

4 Events since September 2014. 17 October 2014: Demonstration on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Open letter to the Ministry of Interior Affaires.

5 Events since September 2014. October – November 2014: Negotiations with the ERVA Zrt. -Maintaining safety precautions.

6 Events since September 2014. March – April 2015 Reducing travel expenses. Negotiations with employers and the Ministry of Interior Affaires.

7 May Day 2015.

8 Organizational tasks for this summer: Trainings for new members. Sharing tasks/ organizing new task groups. Reorganizing mentoring pairs. Rotating tasks. Ongoing one-on-one’s ! Finding financial sources! Create new legal organization. Helping to organize new groups in other cities. fb: Közmunkás Mozgalom a Jövőért

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