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STATE OF THE CHURCH Presented to the Church Council First United Methodist Church of Cary January 23, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "STATE OF THE CHURCH Presented to the Church Council First United Methodist Church of Cary January 23, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATE OF THE CHURCH Presented to the Church Council First United Methodist Church of Cary January 23, 2014


3 Delivery Systems are Changing

4 It Wasn’t Their Fault

5 Get Ahead of the Curve

6 Have A Strategy

7 CHURCH COUNCIL Recommendation 1 March 20 Council meeting to be a strategic meeting to receive and discern report of Joel Team

8 1.Our church is perceived as friendly but not inviting 2.Worship attendance has been flat for the past 5 to 6 years 3.It takes 35 FUMCC members to create one new Christian 4.Giving has been flat the past 5 to 6 years FOUR BRUTAL FACTS

9 CHURCH COUNCIL Recommendation 2 Make evangelism and reaching new people a 2014 “front burner” priority


11 CHURCH COUNCIL Recommendation 3 That a team be named to work with the Pastor of Congregational Care in redesigning our system of congregational care


13 CHURCH COUNCIL Recommendation 4 That in 2014 a Building Committee be named to begin design of the Fellowship Hall complex and that a Capital Campaign be designed (to include funds for a permanent capital improvements endowment)


15 CHURCH COUNCIL Recommendation 5 That the Adult Christian Formation Team develop and share with the Council by this summer an intentional plan for small group ministry recruitment.


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