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© Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Video facilitated by: LaToya Dodson Health Careers Program Coordinator Upstate.

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Presentation on theme: "© Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Video facilitated by: LaToya Dodson Health Careers Program Coordinator Upstate."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Video facilitated by: LaToya Dodson Health Careers Program Coordinator Upstate AHEC 1

2 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Class Discussion/Activity Pause video To complete Pre-test 2

3 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Pre-Test 3

4 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resilience Learning Objectives Instructor:Our topic for today is resiliency. At the end of this lesson students should be able to: Define resilience Identify Characteristics of resiliency Identify tips to build resilience and help others. Identify protective shield Identify seven areas of resiliency Who can define resiliency? Why is resiliency important in the healthcare workplace? 4

5 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency 5 Pause video To define Resiliency

6 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Class Discussion / Activity Write a challenge or problem that you recently had to overcome in your life. Handout 1: Questions for Teaching Youth About Resiliency Handout 2: Unlocking the Power of Resiliency. Handout 3: Resiliency Quiz. 6

7 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium What is Resiliency?? When people go through tough times, it’s the ability to bounce back again and again. Resiliency is a learned behavior. Simply put, resiliency is the ability to bounce back in stressful situations and recover after a crisis or adverse situation. 7

8 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium 5-Basic Characteristics of a Resilient Person Take initiative Become independent Develop insight Be creative Build good relationships A good sense of humor is essential 8

9 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Class Discussion/ Activity 9 Pause video To review Characteristics of Resiliency

10 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Adversity “I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat I’m all ready, you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” - Seuss-isms 10

11 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Class Discussion/Activity 11 Pause video To discuss poem

12 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium “My Personal Stress Shield” We’re not always at our best. Each day holds new challenges. Don’t get sucked in! Wait until the storm passes. Bottom line: Take care of yourself! 12

13 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Class Discussion/ Activity 13 Pause video To discuss Personal Stress Shield

14 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Class Discussion / Activity Handout 4: Seven Resiliencies for Teens Handout 5: My Stress Shield 14

15 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium CAUTION: Self-Talk can be Hazardous to YOUR Health! “Self-Talk” are the messages we give ourselves. Eliminate “stinkin’ thinkin’.” What pulls you down? What lifts you up? 15

16 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency 16 Pause video To review student responses

17 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Class Discussion / Activity Handout 6: Choose to Think Positive Thoughts Handout 7: Six Stages of Attitude Change 17

18 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium 10 Tips to Build Resilience Talk with your friends (even your parents). If something bad happens, go easy on yourself. Make your room a “Hassle-Free Zone.” Stick to a routine during stressful times. Take care of YOU! Take control – one step at a time. Express yourself by keeping a journal or diary. Volunteer. Keep your perspective. Tune out stresses – like television, newspapers, etc. 18 Source: American Psychological Association/Help Center

19 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Class Discussion 19 Pause video To discuss feedback

20 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium How Healthcare Providers Use Resiliency to Help Others & Themselves Bounce Back ? Communicate a “helpful” attitude. Focus on a person’s strengths and ask “How can WE overcome this problem … TOGETHER?” Be patient. Bounce back and help your patient to do the same. Empathize with your patients (put yourself in their shoes). Be of Service….. That’s your job! 20

21 Volunteer to help. Be comforting; always remember that your patient is frightened of what may lie ahead. Do your best to put them at ease. Relax and engage in activities you like. Monitor your health. Maintain a hopeful outlook. Nurture a positive view of yourself. Maintain as sense of humor. Learn from past experiences. Spend time with others. Practice your faith/meditate. 21

22 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium “It’s All In the Bounce” Random Acts of Kindness Communicate a “helpful” attitude. Focus on a person’s strengths and ask “How can WE overcome this problem … TOGETHER?” Be patient. Bouncing back from any bad circumstance takes time. Volunteering is fun. Service Projects are G-R-E-A-T. 22

23 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Class Discussion / Activity Handout 8: My Personal Plan 23

24 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Class Activity Pause video To complete Personal Action Plan ( resiliency section ) 24

25 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Never Give Up! Resilience is a journey. So, when the going gets tough…, the skills you learn will help during the bad times and sustain you in good times. 25

26 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Activity Review Post Test/ Q&A Post Test Activity: List a characteristic of a Resilient Healthcare Professional 26

27 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium Resiliency Pause video To complete Post test, Review characteristics of a Healthcare Professional Q&A 27

28 © Copyright, 2011 South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium The South Carolina AHEC Health Careers Academy Benefits Opportunities to: – Participate in regional and state activities – Secure letters of reference for college – Network with health professionals How? Sign up at WWW.SCAHEC.NETWWW.SCAHEC.NET Contact your regional Health Careers Program Coordinator 28

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