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Pervasive Business Intelligence Christopher Gersbo-Møller & Tim Hansson KomIAlt Seminar 16. November 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Pervasive Business Intelligence Christopher Gersbo-Møller & Tim Hansson KomIAlt Seminar 16. November 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pervasive Business Intelligence Christopher Gersbo-Møller & Tim Hansson KomIAlt Seminar 16. November 2005

2 A tentativ “hypothesis”… Pervasive Business Intelligence systems Business Intelligence on pervasive systems

3 Pervasive Business Intelligence Ubiquitously available contextual information –To all levels of the organization – information democracy. –Every employee as an “organization of one”. –Fine-grained “goals – monitor – reward” cycle.

4 BI / GBIS - Grower BI Sytem PoD – Traditional BI for SME Conditions - SME ! –”Prof.” management (-Trade) Often no finansiel, economical or analytical expertice –Limited ressources Need to build on excisting systems Focus is on Internal BI – the company is the context, but collaborative tools are in strong demand

5 The grower context 1 company = 6 stand- alone applications (excl. MS office) 2 distributed app. (excl. email) No integration –No KM, no knowledge sharing –Not even data-recycling (manual labor)

6 BI defined as… ERP - system Tools Budgeting Simulations Forecast AI Automatik Data Mining Benchmarking BI Product Competences

7 GBIS User-friendly Builds on existing data- sources Internal focus -> –Budgeting/accounting Web-based –.NET / SOA External accessibility => Supports Communities

8 Community / BenchMarking Tool for: Internal use – me, myself and I Development? Small community Known participants Large community Branch

9 Communities “…new forms emerge when existing forms are unable to exploit underutilised resources.” (Miles, 2005) Knowledge is the underutilised resource Traditional winnowing processes of innovation have narrow market focus

10 Traditional IT-integration to market

11 Collaborative Entrepreneur ship (Miles et al.)

12 New approach Other communities Need for supporting protocol, ICT and organizational structures

13 Recap: Pervasive Business Intelligence Ubiquitously available contextual information –To all levels of the organization – information democracy. –Every employee as an “organization of one”. –Fine-grained “goals – monitor – reward” cycle.

14 BI on pervasive systems Ubiquitously available contextual information –Outsiders as part of the organization –Reciprocal information democracy –Fine-grained innovation feedback cycle

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