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SURF Awards 2001 Paisley Partnership’s Crime & Safety Action Fund and Early Action Fund Best practice in the category of re:engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "SURF Awards 2001 Paisley Partnership’s Crime & Safety Action Fund and Early Action Fund Best practice in the category of re:engagement."— Presentation transcript:

1 SURF Awards 2001 Paisley Partnership’s Crime & Safety Action Fund and Early Action Fund Best practice in the category of re:engagement

2 Early Action Fund 2000/01 community projects £10k to each SIP area (excl Ferguslie Park) endorsed by local Community Fora

3 What did we achieve? 33 grants all SIP areas covered £100,000 committed an additional £59,000 levered into the projects from other sources

4 Crime & Safety Action Fund 2000/2001 £8k maximum grant addressing fear of crime, home and pedestrian safety, police involvement applications appraised by a Committee

5 What did we achieve? 29 projects granted funding £91,500 committed £60,300 levered into the projects all SIP areas benefited positive feedback from communities

6 Community Regeneration Fund 2001/2001 one fund accessible simple application quick decisions £194k including contributions from Argyll & Clyde NHS Board and Scottish Homes (Communities Scotland) 2 strands

7 Community Regeneration Fund Area Renewal –£12k per SIP area (excl Ferguslie Park) –endorsed by local Community Fora –linked to Local Implementation Plans

8 Community Regeneration Fund Local Action –£8k maximum grant –themes: tackling local crime community safety and health issues community capacity building –linked to Local Implementation Plans –Appraisal Committee

9 What did we achieve? Area Renewal –23 projects funded –£104542 committed –£57573 levered into the projects –9 SIP areas benefited

10 What did we achieve? Local Action -40 projects granted funding –£84120 committed –£46602 levered into the projects –All SIP areas benefited –Communities positive about the grants

11 Review of Community Regeneration Fund the Fund was accessible to small groups community driven and linked with the Local Implementation Plans projects approved have made a difference in the local communities

12 Review of Community Regeneration Fund However annual funding was restrictive some confusion over the criteria and confusion between the two elements – Local Action and Area Renewal issues around community representation and involvement in the decision-making process

13 Community Regeneration Fund 2002/2004 £175k maximum grant of £8k at least £10k per SIP area

14 The Themes crime and safety physical and environmental improvements sports and culture improving or establishing community services

15 Criteria appropriateness to, and fit with, the theme links to the LIP or other strategic plans evidence of community/partner and endorsement value for money project sustainability commitment of applicant

16 Assessment Clear evidence of community buy in and endorsement Bringing together relevant people to review and advise on applications

17 Community Regeneration Fund Community deciding what they need Not us telling them what they need

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