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DataGrid Fabric Management (WP4) Gridification of Large Farms, a very brief overview David Groep, NIKHEF 2001-10-01.

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Presentation on theme: "DataGrid Fabric Management (WP4) Gridification of Large Farms, a very brief overview David Groep, NIKHEF 2001-10-01."— Presentation transcript:

1 DataGrid Fabric Management (WP4) Gridification of Large Farms, a very brief overview David Groep, NIKHEF 2001-10-01

2 David Groep – WP4 Very brief Overview – 2001.10.01 - 2 WP4 targets  Handling large, O (10 4 ), farms of commodity PC components u Install, configure, and administer (almost) automagically u Supply such fabric to the grid as a homogeneous resource u 6 partners: n CERN, INFN: installation, monitoring n PPARC/Edinburgh: configuration n Heidelberg, ZIB: fault tolerance, resource management n NIKHEF: gridification

3 David Groep – WP4 Very brief Overview – 2001.10.01 - 3 Some Deliverables u Fabric Architecture Document: now, i.e., October 2001 u For TB1: interim solutions for n Installation n Configuration u Full-fledged per-node & per-centre monitoring system u Installation of nodes by plug-and-play (self-detection, self-healing) u Resource optimization (`migrate nodes from LHCb to Alice’ and v.v.) u Resource and round-trip-time guarantees u Authenticated and audited (fair-share allocations) u Grid aware

4 David Groep – WP4 Very brief Overview – 2001.10.01 - 4 Gridification of Farms u Main components of the Gridification subsystems n ComputeElement: receive jobs from Grid Scheduler (WP1) and shuffle these around in the fabric n LCAS: local authorization, budget checks, wall-clock constraints LCMAPS: getting everyone a user ID, O (10 000) users! n GriFIS: publishing information about a compute centre n FabNAT: IP addressability is a scarce resource n FLIDS: Local trusted parties,e.g., for secure installs and resource access u NIKHEF is leading partner in this task (assigned to Martijn)  See

5 David Groep – WP4 Very brief Overview – 2001.10.01 - 5 Gridification Components ComputeElement Grid Scheduler (WP1) Resource request in JDL in CAS-token signed, established security context repository LCAS static list wallclocktime quota check resource use plug- ins LCMAPS FLIDS Policy (CBD) WP4 non-gridification WP4 gridification non-fabric components Policy (CBD) Credential Rep. uid/gid tokens MS S WP 5 CDB, Installat ion CDB, Installat ion communications within established security context RMS farms GriFIS Fabric Monitoring IMS (WP3) data flow FabNAT external to compute centre (or storage site) internal

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