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24-2: Biological Effects of Radiation. Units of Radiation SI unit: Becquerel (after Henry Becquerel, discovered of radioactivity) SI unit: Becquerel (after.

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Presentation on theme: "24-2: Biological Effects of Radiation. Units of Radiation SI unit: Becquerel (after Henry Becquerel, discovered of radioactivity) SI unit: Becquerel (after."— Presentation transcript:

1 24-2: Biological Effects of Radiation

2 Units of Radiation SI unit: Becquerel (after Henry Becquerel, discovered of radioactivity) SI unit: Becquerel (after Henry Becquerel, discovered of radioactivity) Curie: equal to the number of nuclear disentigrations/second from 1 gram of radium (named after Pierre and Marie Curie – discovered radium) Curie: equal to the number of nuclear disentigrations/second from 1 gram of radium (named after Pierre and Marie Curie – discovered radium) Rem: measures exposure to radioactivity (after Wm. Roentgen – discovered X-rays) Rem: measures exposure to radioactivity (after Wm. Roentgen – discovered X-rays)

3 Measuring Radiation Dosimeter: device that measures total radiation received by a person; uses photo film Dosimeter: device that measures total radiation received by a person; uses photo film

4 Effects of Radiation Strips electrons from molecules in living tissue. Strips electrons from molecules in living tissue. Disrupts living cells. Disrupts living cells. Commonly causes leukemia. Commonly causes leukemia.

5 Types of Radiation Damage Direct damage (somatic): burns, rashes, cancers Direct damage (somatic): burns, rashes, cancers Genetic damage: affects reproductive cells, resulting in birth defects Genetic damage: affects reproductive cells, resulting in birth defects Nagasaki Photos Nagasaki Photos Nagasaki Photos Nagasaki Photos Radiation burns Radiation burns Radiation burns Radiation burns

6 Detection Geiger counter: produces an audible “click” Geiger counter: produces an audible “click”

7 Beneficial Uses of Radioisotopes 1. Radiotracers: follow substances as they move through a system 1. Iodine-131: thyroid function 2. Barium-140: follows silt in rivers 3. Phosphorus-32: follows nutrients in plants 4. cobalt-58: traces vitamin B-12 pathways

8 Beneficial Uses of Radioisotopes 2. Cancer treatment: kills fast growing cancer cells 1. Iodine-131: thyroid cancer 2. Iridium-192 3. cobalt-60 4. Also kills other fast growing cells, such as hair and stomach lining

9 Beneficial Uses of Radioisotopes 3. Food preservation: kills bacteria on food 1. Cobalt-60

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