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COE 202 Introduction to Verilog Computer Engineering Department College of Computer Sciences and Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "COE 202 Introduction to Verilog Computer Engineering Department College of Computer Sciences and Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 COE 202 Introduction to Verilog Computer Engineering Department College of Computer Sciences and Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

2 Outline  Behavioral Modeling  Boolean Equation-Based Behavioral Models of Combinational Logic  Assign Statement  Verilog Operators  Propagation Delay & Continuous Assignment  Behavioral Description of an Adder

3 Behavioral Modeling  Behavioral modeling describes the functionality of a design  What the design will do  Not how the design will be built in hardware  Behavioral models specify the input-output model of a logic circuit and suppress details about its low level internal structure.  Behavioral modeling encourages designers to  Rapidly create a behavioral prototype of a design  Verify its functionality  Use synthesis tool to optimize and map design into a given technology

4 Data Types for Behavioral Modeling  All variables in Verilog have a predefined type.  There are two families of data types: nets and registers.  Net variables act like wires in physical circuit and establish connectivity between design objects.  Register variables act like variables in ordinary procedural languages – they store information while the program executes.  Register types include: reg, integer, real, realtime, time.  A wire and a reg have a default size of 1 bit.  Size of integer is the size of word length in a computer, at least 32.

5 Boolean Equation-Based Behavioral Models of Combinational Logic  A Boolean equation describes combinational logic by an expression of operations on variables.  In Verilog, this is done by continuous assignment statement.  Example: module AOI_5_CA0 ( input x_in1, x_in2, x_in3, x_in4, x_in5, output y_out); assign y_out = !( (x_in1 && x_in2) || (x_in3 && x_in4 && x_in5) ); endmodule

6 Assign Statement  The keyword assign declares a continuous assignment.  It associates the Boolean expression on the RHS (right hand side) with the variable on the LHS (left hand side).  The assignment is sensitive to the variables in the RHS.  Any time an event occurs on any of the variables on the RHS, the RHS expression is revaluated and the result is used to update the LHS.

7 Integer Numbers in Verilog  constant numbers can be specified in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary format  integer numbers can be specified as:  Syntax: ' (size is in number of bits)  Sized or unsized numbers ( Unsized size is 32 bits )  In a radix of binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal  Radix and hex digits (a,b,c,d,e,f) are case insensitive  Spaces are allowed between the size, radix and value  The character (_) is legal anywhere in a number except as the first character (e.g. 12'b1011_1100_0010, 'hA8, 8'd15)  When is smaller than, then left-most bits of are truncated

8 Verilog Operators { }concatenation + - * / ** arithmetic %modulus > >= < <= relational !logical NOT && logical AND ||logical OR ==logical equality !=logical inequality === case equality !== case inequality ? :conditional ~bit-wise NOT &bit-wise AND |bit-wise OR ^bit-wise XOR ^~ ~^bit-wise XNOR &reduction AND |reduction OR ~&reduction NAND ~|reduction NOR ^reduction XOR ~^ ^~reduction XNOR <<shift left >>shift right

9 Verilog Operators  Arithmetic Operators:  Each operator takes two operands. + and – could also take a single operand  During synthesis, the + and - operators infer an adder and a subtractor  Xilinx XST software can infer a block multiplier during synthesis for the multiplication operator  /, %, and ** operators usually cannot be synthesized automatically  Shift operators: Four shift operators  >>, << logical shift right and left (0s inserted from the right or the left)  >>>, >> operation and 0's are shifted in for the <<< operation)

10 Verilog Operators  If both operands of a shift operator are signals, as in a << b, the operator infers a barrel shifter, a fairly complex circuit  If the shifted amount is fixed, as in a << 2, the operation infers no logic and involves only routing of the input signals (can also be done with {} operator)  Examples of shift operations:

11 Verilog Operators  Relational and equality operators:  Compare two operands and return a 1-bit logical (Boolean) value: either 0 or 1  4 relational operators: >, =  Equality operators: ==, ! =,  The relational operators and the == and ! = operators infer comparators during synthesis

12 Verilog Operators  Bitwise operators:  4 basic bitwise operators: & (and), I (or), ^ (xor), and ! (not)  The first three operators require two operands  Negation and xor operation can be combined, as in ~^ or ^~ to form the xnor  operations are performed on a bit-by-bit basis  Ex.: let a, b, and c be 4-bit signals: i.e. wire [3:0] a, b, c ; The statement:assign c = a I b ; is the same as:assign c[3] = a[3] I b[3]; assign c[2] = a[2] I b[2]; assign c[1] = a[1] I b[1]; assign c[0] = a[0] I b[0];

13 Verilog Operators  Reduction operators: &, I, and ^ operators may have only one operand and then are known as reduction operators.  The single operand usually has an array data type.  The designated operation is performed on all elements of the array and returns a I-bit result.  For example, let a be a 4-bit signal and y be a 1-bit signal: wire [3:0] a ; wire y ; The statement: assign y = I a ; // only one operand is the same as:assign y = a[3] | a[2] | a[1] | a[0] ;

14 Verilog Operators  Logical operators: && (logical and), II (logical or), and ! (logical negate)  operands of a logical operator are interpreted as false (when all bits are 0's) or true (when at least one bit is 1), and the operation always returns a 1-bit result  Usually used as logical connectives of Boolean expressions,  bitwise and logical operators can be used interchangeably in some situations.  Examples of bitwise and logical operations

15 Verilog Operators  Conditional operator: ? : takes three operands and its general format is [signal] = [boolean-exp] ? [true-exp] : [false-exp];  The [boolean-expl] is a Boolean expression that returns true (1) or false ( 0).  Ex.: assign max = (a>b) ? a : b; //max will get the maximum of the signals a and b  The operator can be thought of as a simplified if-then-else statement.  Can be cascaded or nested

16 Verilog Operators  Concatenation operator: { }  { } combines segments of elements and small arrays to form a large array: wire [7:0] a, rot, shl, sha; assign rot = {a[2:0], a[7:3]} ; // Rotate a to right 3 bits assign shl = {3'b000, a[7:3]} ; // shift a to right 3 bits and insert 0s (logical shift) assign sha = {a[7], a[7], a[7], a[7:3]} ; // arithmetic shift a to right 3 bits

17 Full Adder module fadd (output Cout, S, input A, B, Cin); assign S = A ^(B ^ Cin); assign Cout = (A & B) | (A & Cin) | (B & Cin) ; endmodule

18 Propagation Delay & Continuous Assignment  Propagation delay can be associated with a continuous assignment so that its implicit logic has same functionality and timing characteristics as its gate level implementation. module fadd (output Cout, S, input A, B, Cin); assign #6 S = A ^(B ^ Cin); assign #5 Cout = (A & B) | (A & Cin) | (B & Cin); endmodule

19 Behavioral Description of an Adder module adder #(parameter width = 4) (output cout, output [width-1:0] sum, input [width-1:0] a, b, input cin); assign {cout, sum} = a + b + cin; // note: Verilog treats wires as ‘unsigned’ numbers endmodule { Cout, S } is a 5 bit bus: Cout S[3] S[2] S[1] S[0] 4-bit operands, 5-bit result

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