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Relationships, Love & Happiness. Preface  Suicide rate is higher if you live alone  We depend on relationships  Relationships are the most important.

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Presentation on theme: "Relationships, Love & Happiness. Preface  Suicide rate is higher if you live alone  We depend on relationships  Relationships are the most important."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationships, Love & Happiness

2 Preface  Suicide rate is higher if you live alone  We depend on relationships  Relationships are the most important source for happiness

3 Relationships with pets  Pet relationships should be a model for human relationships  Unconditional love  lowers your blood pressure  reduces the level of stress hormones  increases your level of oxytocin

4 Human relationships  We are animals too  We need to touch and to be touched  To feel bonded, touch!  Without Oxytocin your life would have been so much different!

5 Don‘t play mind games!  Animals are  honest  straightforward  uninhibited  Inhibitions  make other people think they’re seeing reality when, in fact, they see illusion  make liars of us

6 Learn to see emotions  Visibility of emotions  Don‘t approach others with  hostility  suspicion  Matching body language  not too obviously  Understand characteristic differences to widen your circle of friends

7 Living with „the one“  m/f benefit equally by splitting up  Alternative: stay together  It‘s your right to be happy  If you stay together, you commit yourself to build a relationship that makes both of you happy  learn something new about your partner

8 Avoid the projection trap  Don‘t project your fantasies onto your partner  „Walking on air“ feeling just can‘t last  Namely projecting onto the relationship  raises a monument of a perfect relationship

9 Rules for walking on air  Comes from the chemical PEA  Follow the following rules to keep the ‚walking on air‘-feeling!

10 Rules for walking on air  #1: Accept your partner‘s love!  #2: Accept the way your partner is!  #3: Accept your partner‘s growth!  #4: Accept two people are different!  #5: Always remain curious!  #6: Always give support!  #7: Always build your partner up!

11 Rules for walking on air  #8: Talk, talk, talk!  #9: Don‘t make comparisons!  #10: Don‘t hold onto negative thoughts or emotions!  #11: Provide plenty of physical contact!  #12: Have plenty of sex!  #13: Do something happy together every day!

12 10 things to remember  Relationships are the single most important source of human happiness  If you’re lonely, consider getting a pet  Love people the way you love your pet – unconditionally.  Oxytocin binds you to other people – the more touching, the more bonding.  Don’t play games in your relationships.

13 10 things to remember  Push your love and happiness ahead of you so everyone can feel it.  Don’t be judgemental.  Resolve to make your relationship happy  The union of two people involving the collapse of ego boundaries is the greatest happiness.  Don’t project your fantasies onto your partner but love the reality

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