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The Crucible “America claims to be a country of diversity, of religious and cultural freedom, when in actuality, we often hate, persecute, and eventually.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crucible “America claims to be a country of diversity, of religious and cultural freedom, when in actuality, we often hate, persecute, and eventually."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crucible “America claims to be a country of diversity, of religious and cultural freedom, when in actuality, we often hate, persecute, and eventually destroy what is different”

2 Arthur Miller 1915-2005 One of the most well known and critically acclaimed American playwrights Got into a lot of trouble with the government for writing The Crucible Due to this, he was denied a passport and was not allowed to leave the country At one time, was married to Marilyn Monroe

3 Historical Context Witchcraft hysteria & trials were frequent in 16 th & 17 th Century Europe 1692 Salem, Massachusetts 1692 Salem, Massachusetts In Salem, 100 people were imprisoned and 19 were hung Four more died in prison and one man was pressed to death The accusations were started by a group of young girls who claimed that witches were sending spirits to pinch, stab, and suffocate them

4 Historical Context The people of Salem began to accuse one another out of fear of being accused themselves Others took advantage of the opportunity to accuse their neighbors for personal gain or revenge The only way to avoid being hung was to confess guilt and give the names of other “witches” The 20 who were executed simply maintained their innocence, refused to confess, and would not name others

5 Historical Context II McCarthyism & the “Red Scare” It has never been illegal to belong to the communist party, but communists have always been hated by U.S. establishment From 1947-1956, many people of liberal political views were forced to testify before the “House Un-American Activities Committee” Many people were accused of being “Un- American” and black listed, which meant they were not permitted to work

6 Historical Context II Many people chose to “sell out” and accuse other people to avoid being black listed Some courageous people pointed out that it is against the First Amendment for the government to inquire into a citizen’s political affiliations They refused to answer questions or name others and were thrown in jail Miller wrote The Crucible during this time as a criticism of society’s tendency to “witch hunt” For writing it, he was accused of being a Communist himself and called before the Committee

7 Themes Intolerance—Those who were “different” in Salem were not tolerated…are things any different today? Mob Mentality—This occurs when individual thought is replaced by group thought and everyone just goes along with the crowd, no matter how absurd the crowd may be Reputation—Like us, many people in Salem were motivated by what others thought of them or said about them Narrow Mindedness—Seeing things only in black and white and as good or evil is a dangerous way to look at the world

8 Read Miller’s Prologue on pgs. 830- 832 1. What type of person is Rev. Parris described as? 2. What types of “entertainment” were not permitted in Salem? Which social gathering was permitted? 3. What job did the two man patrol carry out? 4. How did the Puritans view the land around them? 5. What does Miller mean when he says “They believed they held the candle that would light the world?” 6. How did some members of Salem take advantage of the Witch Trials for personal gain?

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