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Lattimer Massacre Sept. 10, 1897 Sheriff's men killed nineteen unarmed immigrant miners Fired on a peaceful labor demonstration made up of mostly Polish,

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Presentation on theme: "Lattimer Massacre Sept. 10, 1897 Sheriff's men killed nineteen unarmed immigrant miners Fired on a peaceful labor demonstration made up of mostly Polish,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lattimer Massacre Sept. 10, 1897 Sheriff's men killed nineteen unarmed immigrant miners Fired on a peaceful labor demonstration made up of mostly Polish, Slovak, and Lithuanian miners.

2 On Sept. 1, miners began to strike unfair working conditions & wages On Sept 10, 400 strikers were on their way to shut down the A.D. Pardee & Co. at Lattimer They were unarmed.

3 demonstrators were met by the sheriff and several deputies. Strikers beaten They continued towards the Pardee mine.



6 strikers reached Lattimer, they were met again by the Sheriff & sixty armed deputies. sheriff again ordered the crowd to disperse, but marchers spoke different languages. someone reportedly yelled "Fire!" and the deputies opened fire on the strikers.

7 Gen. John Gobin with National Guardsmen in front of their headquarters at the Valley Hotel after the violence.

8 Sheriff Martin and 78 of his 87 deputies were arrested and put on trial, but were later acquitted. These parties alleged that the trial was conducted unfairly

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