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HEAR OUR VOICES Parent Advocacy Training Program.

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Presentation on theme: "HEAR OUR VOICES Parent Advocacy Training Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEAR OUR VOICES Parent Advocacy Training Program

2 Parent to Parent Parents as Trainers Train the Trainers Development of PAT

3 Training OBJECTIVES   Use a negotiation skills model to prepare and manage your own child’s IEP or IFSP   Understand and access legal information to provide a solid foundation for obtaining services/support for your child

4 Design Process 1.Adult Learning Styles 2.Distribution 3.Flexible 4.Video Demonstration & Small Group Work 5.KNOW-ACT-DO MODEL

5 Introduction to Negotiating

6 Know-Act-Do Negotiating Model K.N.O.W. = Before the IEP Meeting A.C.T. = During the IEP Meeting D.O. = After the IEP meeting

7 Know-Act-DO Key Goal Areas or Vision BeforeNeeds of Your Child Organize Supporting Documentation Write “Needs Statements” And Determine Your BATNA Actively Listen DuringChild Must Be The Focus Treat Everyone with Respect Determine Follow-Up AfterOn –Going Monitoring Of the Plan

8 Tool Box Overview A beginning for your personal resource library A place to Gather Useful Information – –PAT Materials – –Parent Pads – –Useful Brochures – –Useful legal opinions – –AG Bell Catalogue and Bookstore – –List of additional useful resources Many other local, state and Federal resources Add your own materials and resources

9 PAT Training Program Facilitator’s Manual Participant Training Guide Train the Trainer Manual IEP Video Demonstration Parent Toolbox (CD)

10 Workshop Evaluations “ This was the most through workshop that I have ever attended.” “It opened my eyes to what’s possible, and gave me new skills, a new way to think.” “It made us realize the importance of preparation and homework for the IEP”. “The negotiation techniques are extremely helpful and the legal presentation was invaluable.”

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