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Decentralization and Local Governance, Civic Engagement and Capacity 2015 CoP Joint Event “The Principles of Partnerships” PPP Training Program M.Sohail.

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Presentation on theme: "Decentralization and Local Governance, Civic Engagement and Capacity 2015 CoP Joint Event “The Principles of Partnerships” PPP Training Program M.Sohail."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decentralization and Local Governance, Civic Engagement and Capacity 2015 CoP Joint Event “The Principles of Partnerships” PPP Training Program M.Sohail Olena Maslyukivska Belgrade December 8th, 2005

2 GOAL Provide a contextualized training on the theory and applications of municipal public-private partnerships to the representatives of the Europe & CIS

3 Objectives Develop a 3-day PPP training program Provide training materials: –developing a model program –adapting the PPPUE Toolkit to the regional needs –illustrating material with the regional examples Use different training techniques –to stimulate the training effect –to equip the trainees with necessary for their future activities methods A broader objective: Make participants both trainers and knowledgeable partners in development projects

4 Background work1/2 Toolkit for pro-poor municipal PPP (UNDP PPPUE, 2004) Review of the national policies, legislative and institutional environments for the establishment of municipal PPPs in 5 sub-regions of the Europe and CIS 5 case studies from selected countries in the 5 sub-regions

5 Background work2/2 Web-based distance learning toolkit: “Key Issues of Private Sector Participation in the Water Sector for Practical Application”. Global Campus 21 Project, 2003 Study “Private Sector Participation in the Water Sector in the ECA region”, 2003

6 Approach: TRAIN-THE-TRAINERS a group of people with relevant experience train them in the subject provide with training materials show training approaches and methodologies Multiplying effect: each trainee will hold at least one training in his/her country –on-going support and mentoring of the trainees activities

7 Targeted trainees group Professionals who –are associated with a local training institution –have experience in providing training to the professionals –possess some knowledge of the municipal services provision –excellent possession of English and the local languages

8 Targeted local trainees group Local professionals from all sectors Involved in municipal services provision Willing to learn and apply the PPP instrument

9 Approach: PREPARATION 1/2 Syllabus – wardrobe with hangers –All parts could be “taken out” physically and contextually Heavily based on the Toolkit –The trainee can refer to it if s/he does not have sufficient knowledge on a particular topic

10 Approach: PREPARATION 1/2 Needs Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ) –Tool helping the trainer to identify the background of the trainees –Emailed prior to the training –Feedback helps to account for the trainees’ backgrounds and interests insure that the training meets the needs of the audience: neither simple nor complicated emphasize during the training the areas of specific country/region concern

11 Approach: IMPLEMENTATION Active learning approach –Focus on Learning not Teaching Guided discussion not lecturing Portfolio development Time allocated for contemplating and applying knowledge and skills to the local context Reach on different training methods Group work –Groups divided based on the NAQ Similar experiences Different experiences –Trainees learn from each other

12 Interactive – constant feedback of the audience: formal and informal Workshop valuation at the end of each day in order to –better reflect the trainees’ needs and adjust the training emphasis accordingly –involve the trainees in the learning process Approach: FEEDBACK and EVALUATION

13 Expected results 15 people trained to be trainers in municipal PPPS Each trainee will be able to: –Adapt and conduct a similar training to the local players –Provide consolations to the local actors about a possibility, necessary preparations, challenges and solutions for the PPP projects

14 Major Blocks of the Program 1.Before PPPs 2.Preparation 3.Development 4.Implementation Note: allocated time per each block depends on the capacity gaps of the participants

15 Tools for pro-poor municipal PPP PreparationDevelopmentImplementation Before PPP 2 Strategic Planning 1 Starting out 4 Collecting Information 3 Planning and Organizing 5 Defying Constraints 7 Defining Parameters 6 Defining Objectives 15 Regulating 14 Preparing Business Plans 8 Establishing Principles 10 Establishing Processes 9 Identifying Partners 11 Selecting Options 12 Financing (investment) 13 Financing (cost recovery) 19 Monitoring and Evaluation 16 Tendering and Procurement 17 Negotiating and Contracting 18 Managing PPPs 20 Managing Conflict 21 Capacity Development

16 Before PPPs Starting out –Why develop capacity for PPPs? –Why Public-Private Partnerships? –Overview of PPP definitions and perceptions –Key features of successful partnerships –Major gaps in forming a successful partnership Strategic planning

17 Preparation Planning and organizing Collecting information Defining objectives Defining parameters (scope) PPP constraints PPP principles

18 Development Identifying partners Establishing partnership processes Selecting PPP options Sources of financing Cost recovery strategies Preparing business plans Regulating the PPP

19 Implementation Tendering and procurement Negotiating and contracting Managing PPPs Renegotiation Monitoring and evaluation Managing conflict

20 Questions for guided discussion: 1.What are the existing advantages for PPPs in the region? 2.What are the potential pitfalls for PPPs in the region? 3.What are the driving forces shaping the PPP development in the region? What is the role that the UNDP CO office can play? 4.What would be the strategy for creating enabling environment for pro-poor municipal PPPs in your sub-region?

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