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Presented to GETSI by Ellen Iverson, SERC, Carleton College Developed as InTeGrate talk by David Steer Department of Geosciences The University of Akron.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to GETSI by Ellen Iverson, SERC, Carleton College Developed as InTeGrate talk by David Steer Department of Geosciences The University of Akron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to GETSI by Ellen Iverson, SERC, Carleton College Developed as InTeGrate talk by David Steer Department of Geosciences The University of Akron February 2014 Designing and Using Rubrics

2 Identify Module Learning Goals Identify learning outcomes Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and outcomes Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources

3 What are Scoring Rubrics? Scoring rubrics are descriptive scoring schemes used to evaluate effort Two Major Types  Holistic: set of descriptions used to assign a score to the whole  Analytic: Set of components that are independently evaluated (sum for score) For other types of rubrics see:

4 Determine the most important attributes needed to evaluate the Learning Outcome Decide analytic or holistic Define levels Designing Rubrics Success Part Way There Needs Work

5 Have clear criteria Each criteria is distinct, clearly delineated and fully appropriate for the outcome Have distinctive levels Each level is distinct and progresses in a clear and logical order Can be used reliably by multiple raters Provide guidance to learners Rubric serves as primary reference point for discussion and guidance for program/supporting outcome as well as evaluation of assignment(s) Support Metacognition Rubric is regularly referenced and used to help learners identify the skills and knowledge they are developing throughout the program Good Rubrics …

6 Holistic Example Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to properly process and interpret data

7 Analytic Example Outcome: Material developers will demonstrate the ability to incorporate GETSI Guiding Principles in their curriculum

8 Identify Module Learning Goals Identify learning outcomes Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and outcomes Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources

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