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English 10 Academic ~ Mrs. Donahue and Mrs. Nielsen.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 Academic ~ Mrs. Donahue and Mrs. Nielsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 10 Academic ~ Mrs. Donahue and Mrs. Nielsen

2  B.A. ~ Mary Washington College  English, Secondary Education  M.Ed.~ George Mason University  Curriculum and Instruction  University of Virginia and the University of Virginia at Wise  Library Information Media Specialist  English Department Chair  Sophomore class sponsor/English Honor Society Sponsor  19th year in LCPS

3  B.A. ~ Christopher Newport University  Theater: Design/ Technical  M.Ed.~ George Mason University  Special Education  Forensics Coach  1 st year teaching in LCPS

4  What we will study:  A variety of modern and classic novels and plays  Supplemental texts, approached by theme  Textbooks selections, approached chronologically  Poetry  Short stories  Reading, writing, analysis – prep for upper grade courses and PSAT, SAT, SOL assessments  Research

5  Emphasis is on skills – critical reading, writing, and analysis  What/how/why  Back-door spiraling for upper grade classes  Silent Sustained Reading  SAT/PSAT vocabulary study

6  Recommended supply list:  3 ring notebook and with four dividers for Literature, Vocabulary, Writing, Grammar  Notebook paper (not spiral) – lots!  Pens, pencils and highlighters  Jump/thumb drive to transfer work  Agenda

7  Assessments and Grades will come from:  Writing  Quizzes (regular vocabulary)  Oral presentations  Homework  Projects  Group assignments – class work  participation

8  Rubrics – always!  Essay rubrics primarily based on writing assessment from SOL writing assessment, SAT format but will also include a wide variety of assignments  Homework, class work, participation – assessed for progress towards goal- low risk since they are formative assessments

9  Do your best  Keep up with reading  Advocate for yourself  Come to class with work completed, supplies on hand, ready to participate  No late homework

10  Answer emails and phone calls as quickly as possible  Be here each morning  Be here in the afternoon  Keep website current  Mrs. Donahue – 4 th and 8 th planning, here before school; after school with prior notice  Mrs. Nielsen – 7 th Study Hall (L501), 8 th planning & before school (L513), after school with prior notice

11  Work with students and parents to help them be successful  Remediate  Enrich

12  Checking planner and website – links to agenda, homework  Discussing novels, poems, class work with your student  Communicating with the teachers if there are issues we need to know

13  Quizlet Quizlet  College Board College Board  Mrs. Donahue's class pages Mrs. Donahue's class pages

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