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Presentation on theme: " SEE-GRID-2 The SEE-GRID-2 initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP6 Research Infrastructures contract no. 031775."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEE-GRID-2 The SEE-GRID-2 initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP6 Research Infrastructures contract no. 031775 SEE-GRID-2 Infrastructure and Operations Overview Antun Balaz WP3 Leader Institute of Physics, Belgrade 2 nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 2007

2 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 20072 WP3 Objectives Develop the next-generation SEE-GRID infrastructure  Next generation of EGEE middleware (gLite) and services Support in deployment and operations of the Resource Centres  Monitoring, helpdesk, overall upgrade of infrastructure Network resource provision and assurance  in close cooperation with the SEEREN2 project  Bandwidth-on-Demand requirements CA and RA guidelines and deployment  catch-all Certification Authority (CA)  per-country CA deployment and operations User portal deployment and operations  P-GRADE

3 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 20073 WP3 Deliverables & Milestones Deliverables  D3.1a - Infrastructure Deployment Plan, M04 (CERN)  D3.2 - CA and RA guidelines for new candidates, M05 (GRNET/AUTH)  D3.3 - Portal specifications and functionality, M06 (SZTAKI)  D3.1b - Infrastructure Deployment Plan, M14 (CERN)  D3.4 - Infrastructure overview and assessment, M23 (UOB-IPB) Milestones  M3.1 - Infrastructure Deployment Plan Defined, (M04)  M3.2 - CA and RA guidelines for new candidates defined, (M05)  M3.3 - Portal operational across the pilot Grid (M12)

4 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 20074 WP3 Activities A3.1 - Implementation of the advanced SEE-GRID infrastructure (UOB-IPB/IPP)  Deals with support for configuration, deployment and operations of the Resource Centres within the SEE-GRID pilot infrastructure, as well as transition of mature centres into EGEE. A3.2 - Network Resource Provision and BoD requirements (IPP)  Support liaison actions to ensure adequate network provision, including the requirements for Bandwidth-on-demand, if and where necessary depending on the application. A3.3 - Deploy and operate Grid CAs (GRNET)  Should provide CA and RA guidelines and help establish per-country CAs to cover the authentication issues A3.4 - Provide a user portal (SZTAKI)  Supports the deployment of a user-friendly and multi-grid interoperable portal for convenient Grid access and usage.

5 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 20075 WP3 Main Achievements Infrastructure maintained and expanded Core services deployed redundantly and maintained with no interruptions in operation Operations maintained and improved:  BBmSAM deployed and integrated with HGSM  Other operational tools developed, deployed and integrated  SLA conformance; availabilities  Grid-Operator-On-Duty shifts Development areas identified and significant progress already achieved: HGSM, BBmSAM, WiatG, Application- level accounting, YAIM customizations, JAVA Data Management API etc.

6 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 20076 Network Status Majority of SEE-GRID countries covered by GEANT2 and SEEREN2; problems still with the connectivity of  Albania  Moldova Liaison with SEEREN2 for effective network and services provision Two applications with BoD requirements have been identified:  EMMIL (developed by International Business School, Hungary)  VIVE (developed by the University of Belgrade, Serbia) SALUTE application actively uses FTS Several applications use site-level MPI

7 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 20077 SEE-GRID Infrastructure (1)

8 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 20078 SEE-GRID Infrastructure (2) SEE-GRID infrastructure contains currently the following resources:  32 sites in SEE-GRID production  6 sites in certification phase (2 AL + 1 HR + 2 RO + 1 MD)  Over 1100 CPUs available  Storage: 18 TB + 27 TB in preparation All sites on gLite-3, with 7 sites on gLite-3.1 and the rest on gLite-3.0 glite-CE final assessment by EGEE and SEE-GRID is that this service is not stable enough for production, so it has been officially removed from production glite-WMSLB actively used Guides provided for deployment of gLite-3.1 WNs on SL4.5, for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures

9 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 20079 SEE-GRID Infrastructure (3) SEE-GRID total and free CPUs from October 2006 (from GStat)

10 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200710 SEE-GRID Infrastructure (4) SEE-GRID Core services  Catch-all Certification Authority  enables regional sites to obtain user and host certificates  Virtual Organisation Management Service (VOMS),  authorization system for the SEE-GRID Virtual Organisation (VO),  supporting groups and roles  deployed two instances (master and slave) for failover  Workload management service (lcg-RB and glite-WMSLB)  deployed several instances for failover  Information Services (BDII)  deployed several instances for failover  MyProxy is operational  supports certificate renewal  FTS deployed  used in production

11 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200711 SEE-GRID Infrastructure (5) As sites mature, they migrate to EGEE  Croatia, Turkey, Serbia, Romania However, this depends on agencies providing funding for the hardware  Each participating institute has its own strategy

12 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200712 t-infrastructure: sites AEGIS02-RCUBno restriction on the number of jobs (i.e. up to 11 with SEEGRID VO) AEGIS04-KGno restriction on the number of jobs (i.e. up to 8 with SEEGRID VO) BG04-ACAD8 CPUs, provide glite-CE, together with lcg-CE GR-01-AUTH13 CPUs, (this is with other VOs supported) MK-02-ETF1 CPU RO-03-UPB10 CPUs, (this is with SEEGRID and other VOs supported) TR-01-ULAKBIM16 CPUs, TOTAL~60 CPUs

13 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200713 t-infrastructure: Core services SGDEMO CA  (GR-01-AUTH) VOMS  (GR-01-AUTH)  BDIIs  (AEGIS01-PHY-SCL)  (TR-01-ULAKBIM)  (GR-01-AUTH) RBs  (AEGIS01-PHY-SCL)  (TR-01-ULAKBIM)  (GR-01-AUTH) WMS  (MK-01-UKIM_II)  (AEGIS01-PHY-SCL)  (TR-01-ULAKBIM) LFC  primary(MK-01-UKIM_II)  lfcLocal(AEGIS02-RCUB) 

14 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200714 SEE-GRID Operations (1)

15 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200715 SEE-GRID Operations (2) Distributed Operations – currently one ROC  EGI: SEE ROC probably integrated with the SEE-GRID ROC Pilot SLA established Monitoring and Accounting Tools Helpdesk tickets procedures  Generic support group for users  TPM-like (monitoring open tickets created by users, trying to solve the simple ones, route the tickets, etc.).  Country level user support groups  Step towards stand-alone operations  Grid-Operator-On-Duty shifts introduced, initial results very positive in terms of site availabilities improvements SEEGRID Wiki with detailed information for site admins:  VOMS Role=ops used for SAM jobs submission

16 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200716 Operational & monitoring tools (1) HGSM HELP-DESK BDII R-GMA SAM GSTAT (Taiwan) GSTAT (Taiwan) VOMS RTM (UK) RTM (UK) Google maps Google maps BBmSAM GridICE MonALISA NAGIOS

17 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200717 Operational & monitoring tools (2) Operational & monitoring tools deployment status  Hierarchical Grid Site Management (HGSM) – Turkey  Service Availability Monitoring (SAM) (+ porting to MySQL) – Bosnia and Herzegovina with CERN support  Helpdesk - Romania  BBmSAM - Bosnia and Herzegovina  GridICE – FYR of Macedonia  SEE-GRID GoogleEarth – Turkey + Gidon Moont (  SEE-GRID GoogleMaps - Turkey  Global Grid Information Monitoring System (GStat) – Min-Hong Tsai (ASGC, Taiwan)  Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture (R-GMA) – Bulgaria  Nagios - Bulgaria  Real Time Monitor (RTM) – Gidon Moont ( and Turkey (HGSM)  MONitoring Agents using a Large Integrated Services Architecture (MonALISA) – Romania  What is at the Grid (WiatG) – CERN with support from Serbia

18 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200718 Operational & monitoring tools (3) Integration status  HGSM+SAM, HGSM+BBmSAM  Automatic creation of list of sites to be tested  HGSM+BDII  Automatic creation of list of sites in the infrastructure  HGSM+GStat  Automatic creation of list of sites to be monitored  HGSM+RTM, HGSM+R-GMA  Automatic creation of list of sites monitoring and for accounting  VOMS+Helpdesk  Automatically create new user accounts when accessing helpdesk  Certificate based access for Helpdesk HGSM HELP-DESK BDII R-GMA SAM GSTAT VOMS RTM Google maps Google maps BBmSAM

19 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200719 BBmSAM portal  Created for SLA monitoring  Generating site availability statistics according to several criteria  Overview (HTML) and full dump (CSV) of data possible  Extended into full SAM portal  Availability for last 24h period for all sites/services  Latest results per service  History for nodes/services BBmobileSAM  Optimized for small-screen devices and low bandwidth  Possible filtering of sites  Possible three levels of details BBmSAM & BBmobileSAM

20 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200720 WiatG Web application for visualization of BDII information  Used as an operational tool for site monitoring Highly responsive tool because it uses AJAX  Partial refresh (client receives part by part of the page)  Asynchronous (server is processing in the background, so one may send several requests) Current version seeks for: CE, gCE, RB, gRB, SE, LFC, FTS and GridICE Documentation available:  SEE-GRID-2 PSC05 meeting, Thessalonica, Greece - September 11-12, 2007

21 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200721 WiatG Usage Several regional projects  EUMedGRID (  EUChinaGrid (  EELA (  BalticGrid (  Int-EU-Grid (  Health-e-Child( ROC CERN  PROD (  PPS (  OPS ( SEE-GRID-2 PSC05 meeting, Thessalonica, Greece - September 11-12, 2007

22 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200722 SEE-GRID-2 SLA Hardware and connectivity criteria  Min. amount of resources for sites to participate in the infrastructure  Network to fulfill operations test requirements Level of support  Site and security administrators availability and response time Level of expertise  Site and security administrators declaration of expertise VO support  Site to provide support to SEEGRID VO and its OPS role Conformance to Operational Metrics  Site availability  Downtimes SEE-GRID-2 SLA communicated to EGEE

23 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200723 Conformance to SEE-GRID-2 SLA Improvements seen after three quarters of pilot SLA enforcement

24 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200724 VO Management Regional catch-all SEEGRID VO  Members from all participating institutes  Distributed VO management: all countries have VOMS admin representatives National VOs  Serbia  Romania  Turkey Regional VO is supported on all sites Other regional discipline-oriented VOs will be created soon (SEE- GRID-SCI)  Seismology  Meteorology  Environmental sciences  etc.

25 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200725 WP3 Contribution Areas HGSM Application-level accounting tool YAIM customizations SAM porting to MySQL (BBmSAM) WiatG New tool “What should be at the Grid” (WsbatG)  Based on the site configuration exported from HGSM, should provide the expected status of BDII JAVA Data Management API Contributions to standards (e.g. Glue Schema)  Mainly providing feedbacks  Coordination with other projects missing

26 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200726 Joint Development Areas (1) Full interoperation with EGEE M/W issues - what happens if a user has a problem that cannot be solved inside the project because it is M/W related?  Reported and followed up by the SEE-GRID operations team trough GGUS and Savannah  Participation in operations meetings  Common SEE-GRID and EGEE partners crucial How can the project send request for middleware improvements to EGEE and has this taken into account?  Participation in EGEE operations meetings (including ROC managers meetings, on behalf of SEE-GRID)  Contributions to EGEE working groups and other bodies

27 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200727 Joint Development Areas (2) How can we send our own modifications to middleware and be included in the official gLite release?  Much more difficult  Some of our YAIM customizations made it  voms-renewd for lcg-RB never did  Basically, only through common partners How can we give our contributions in operational tools to EGEE-III? How can middleware extensions be passed to EGEE?  Common partners will certainly be important  SEE-GRID-SCI will develop additional operations- and app- related tools  Coordination with other regional Grid projects crucial

28 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200728 CA Status CAs accredited in the region in 2007  Bulgaria (BG.ACAD CA), Accredited on March 5, 2007  Serbia (AEGIS CA), Accredited on June 1, 2007  Romania (ROSA CA), Accredited on August 1, 2007 Earlier accredited CAs  Greece (HellasGrid CA)  Croatia (SRCE CA)  Turkey (TRGRID CA) Grid CA candidates  Montenegro CA (MREN CA)  CP/CPS reviewed by GridAUTH (via see-ca-incubation mailing list) on July 10, 2007  F.Y.R.O.M. CA (MARGI CA)  Accreditation request on May 4, 2007  First CP/CPS not yet available

29 2nd Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop @ EGEE’07, Budapest, Hungary, 4 October 200729 CA Map Catch All CA New CA Candidate CA Training CA RA Established CA

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