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Ginguashih Golden Age— Seashore ecology and history tour.

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1 Ginguashih Golden Age— Seashore ecology and history tour

2 Ginguashi (Jinguashi ) is surrounded by mountains but one direction faces to the Pacific Ocean. By the influence of coast climate, here is cold 、 windy 、 rainy and cloudy. The climate type here is various. There are tropic 、 subtropics 、 temperate and cool temperate climate in different areas, where covered by various vegetations.

3 Fauna

4 Ginguashi is a valley surrounded by mountains and one direction faces to the Pacific Ocean. The stream passes through Ginguashi is an important water source for the locals. It also provides habitat for many water- preference birds, such as river kingfisher, Formosan whistling thrush and grey wagtail. Common Kingfisher

5 Formosan Whistling ThrushGrey Wagtail Muller's BarbetBlack Drongo

6 This stream provides diverse habitats for fauna and flora. Taiwan striped barb

7 Latouche's Frog 在這樣的環境裡,兩棲類更多達 13 種,包括:蟾蜍、樹蛙、赤蛙、小雨蛙,牠們 各有其特別的生態習性與鳴聲,建議你在夏夜裡坐在涼亭泡壺茶,聽聽青蛙們的 大合唱吧! Ornate narrow mouth frog White Lipped TreefrogSpectacled toad

8 Local vegetations in Ginguashi are mainly composed by secondary forest and artificial plantation. Due to the long-tern influence by wind blow from the ocean, the vegetations are short in general. Miscanthus floridulus (silver grass) is the dominant species here. 植物

9 In those species, Bretschneidera sinensis is particular rare in Taiwan. And Jinguashi is one of the suitable places for its growing. Beside, the Lilium longiflorum (Easter lily) and Farfugium japonicum are the ornamental plant during spring and autumn. Golden spider lily CategoryNumber Ferm8 Monocotyledons17 Dicotyledons75 Total100 Plant species account

10 Deutzia pulchra Lilium longiflorum Blackberry Lily Oldham Elaeagnus Fan Palm 、 Ficus virgata 、 Subcostata craoe myrtle 、 Sapphireberry Sweetleaf Shellflower Umbrella dracaena Sedum formosanum Butterfly Ginger Farfugium japonicum 、 Ficus erecta 、 Common melastoma 、 Eurya chinensis Japanese silver grass 、 Ficus microcarpa 、 Elephant ear 、 Formosanum Elderberry Formasan beautyberry Red Nanmu Bretschneidera sinensis Alianthus Prickly Ash

11 Japanese silver grass Ficus microcarpa Elephant ear Formosanum Elderberry

12 Fan Palm Ficus virgata Subcostata craoe myrtle Sapphireberry Sweetleaf

13 Shellflower Umbrella dracaena Sedum formosanum Butterfly Ginger

14 Farfugium japonicumFicus erecta Common melastomaEurya chinensis

15 Formasan beautyberry Red Nanmu Bretschneidera sinensis Alianthus Prickly Ash

16 Deutzia pulchraLilium longiflorum Blackberry Lily Oldham Elaeagnus

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