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Uterine Tonics & Spasmolytics. Rubus idaeus  Constituents~Leaf:  Tannins  Flavonoids (rutin)  Organic Acids (succinic and lactic)  Alkaloid (fragrine):

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Presentation on theme: "Uterine Tonics & Spasmolytics. Rubus idaeus  Constituents~Leaf:  Tannins  Flavonoids (rutin)  Organic Acids (succinic and lactic)  Alkaloid (fragrine):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uterine Tonics & Spasmolytics

2 Rubus idaeus  Constituents~Leaf:  Tannins  Flavonoids (rutin)  Organic Acids (succinic and lactic)  Alkaloid (fragrine): gives tone to, and relaxes, muscles of the pelvic region.  Traces of Vit. C, B, E and A  Calcium, potassium  Chelated Iron

3 Rubus ideaus  Indications: Uterine tonic, partus-prep, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, GI bleeding  Dosage:  Infusion: 1 Tbsp/cup water; sig 1-2 cups TID  Fluid extract: (1:1 25% ): sig 5 ml TID during labor: 5ml doses, up to 6 x qd

4 Angelica sinensis

5 Common name: Dong quai, dang gui Habitat: native to mountainous regions of China, Korea and Japan Part used: root head-traumatic injuries body-build blood tail-move blood

6 Angelica sinensis Constituents: volatile oils (0.4-0.7 %), ferulic acid, coumarins, flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B12, biotin, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and phytosterols, including beta-sitosterol

7 Angelica sinensis Medicinal actions:  uterine stimulant, emmenagogue, estrogenic, progesteronic  hepatorestroative/protective, nervous sedative, vasodilator, demulcent laxative  Immune stimulant, inflammation modulator hematopoeitic

8 Angelica sinensis Indications: chronic dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, endometriosis, infertility (anovulatory cycles), constipation, IBS, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anemia Contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy; not recommended during first part of luteal phase

9 Angelica sinensis Dosing: Safe for long term use.  decoction: 3-15 g dried radix qd  1:2 fluid extract: 4-8 ml qd

10 Aletris farinosa  Liliaceae  Common name: True Unicorn Root  Habitat: Throughout the U.S. growing in fields and at the edge of swampy woods.  Parts used: Root

11 Aletris farinosa Actions: Uterine tonic, ovarian tonic, male reproductive tonic, stimulating expectorant

12 Aletris farinosa  Dose:  Decoction:1/2-1 tsp. dried root/cup water TID  Tincture: 1:5, 1-2 ml TID  Contratindications:  Pregnancy  Toxic in high doses

13 Caulophyllum thalictroides

14  Family: Berberidaceae  Common name: Blue Cohosh  Habitat: Native to moist rich woods of eastern N. America.  Part Used: Root

15 Caulophyllum thalictroides  Medicinal actions: Uterine tonic, emmenagogue, oxytocic, partus preparator, antispasmodic, anti- inflammatory, diuretic

16 Caulophyllum thalictroides  Dose:  Decoction: 1 tsp./cup; sig 1 cup TID  Tincture 1:5, 45%EtOH; sig 1-3 ml TID  Fluid Extract 1:1 70% EtOH; sig 0.5-1 ml TID

17 Mitchella repens

18  Tannins  Saponins  Bitters  Alkaloids  Mucilage

19 Mitchella repens

20  Uterine tonic  Parturient  Diuretic  Emmenagogue

21 (Chamaelirium luteum) False Unicorn Root Family: Liliaceae Part Used: Root Endangered

22 (Chamaelirium luteum) Uterine tonic Regulates menses Resolves ovarian cysts Steroidal saponins Sapogenin Diosgenin

23 (Chamaelirium luteum)  Dosing

24 (Viburnum opulus)


26 (Leonurus cardiaca)

27  Common name: Motherwort  Family: Lamiaceae  Part used: Aerial parts, especially flowering tops  Grows like a weed in any soil  Constituents: Stachydrine & leonurine (alkaloids)  Actions: Cardioprotective, cardioregulating, antianginal, relaxant, nervine, antispasmodic, antihypertensive, mild uterine stimulant and tonic, and emmenagogue  Indications: Amenorrhea and threatened miscarriage, however empirical data recommends against taking it while pregnant

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