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Origins & Geography 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 Gov.

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Presentation on theme: "Origins & Geography 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 Gov."— Presentation transcript:



3 Origins & Geography 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 Gov. & Society Leaders Expansion & Decline Daily Life

4 What river was Rome built on? Question: Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 1

5 Tiber River Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 1

6 Question: Who were the legendary founders of Rome? Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 2

7 Romulus and Remus Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 2

8 Rome was built on __ hills? Question: Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 3

9 7 Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 3

10 In what year was Rome founded? Question: Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 4

11 753 BC Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 4

12 What sea lies on Italy’s east coast? Question: Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 5

13 Adriatic Sea Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 5

14 What was the early form of government in Rome? (lasted about 500 yrs.) Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 1

15 Republic Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 1

16 What was Rome’s lower class called? Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 2

17 Plebians Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 2

18 The most popular public form of entertainment sponsored by the gov’t was Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 3

19 Gladiatorial Fights Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 3

20 The name of the 200 year period of peace and growth Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 4

21 Pax Romana Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 4

22 Transported water from the mountains Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 5

23 Aqueducts Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 5

24 The leader of Carthage In the 2 nd Punic War Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 1

25 Hannibal Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 1

26 The members of the First Triumvirate Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 2

27 Crassus, Pompey, Caesar Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 2

28 These 2 were defeated at Actium Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 3

29 Marc Antony and Cleopatra Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 3

30 The first emperor of Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 4

31 Augustus (Octavian) Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 4

32 Famous Roman leader assassinated by the Senate, March 15 44 BC Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 5

33 Julius Caesar Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 5

34 Series of wars that increased the size of the Republic dramatically Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 1

35 Punic Wars Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 1

36 New, eastern capital established by Constantine Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 2

37 Constantinople (Byzantium) Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 2

38 Geographic area where Carthage was located Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 3

39 Africa Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 3

40 Reforming ruler who divided the empire into East and West Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 4

41 Diocletian Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 4

42 The year that Rome collapsed Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 5

43 476 AD Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 5

44 The term which meant the father was the head of the Roman family Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 1

45 paterfamilia Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 1

46 Type of housing for Rome’s lower classes Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 2

47 insulae Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 2

48 Site of Roman chariot races Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 3

49 Circus Maximus Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 3

50 Site of most of Rome’s Gladiator fights Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 4

51 Colosseum Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 4

52 Magnificent temple in Rome with a domed, open ceiling Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 5

53 Pantheon Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 5

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