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Report of Evaluations 17 th Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute-St. Petersburg, Russia June 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Report of Evaluations 17 th Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute-St. Petersburg, Russia June 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of Evaluations 17 th Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute-St. Petersburg, Russia June 11 - 15 - 2007 Guillermo V. Martí Department of Physics – Tandar Laboratory CNEA – Buenos Aires - Argentina 1

2 First year (2003): A=193 Mass chain evaluation (under IAEA contract ARG-12480-R0, Mar03) Lab. TANDAR, CNEA, Argentina: Evaluators: E.Achterberg, O.A.Capurro, G.V.Martí 193 At, 193 Po, 193 Bi, 193 Pb, 193 Tl, 193 Hg. Instituto de Física, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil: Evaluators: V.Vanin, R.M.Castro 193 Au, 193 Pt, 193 Ir, 193 Os, 193 Re. In the last attended meeting the 16 th Meeting of the NSDD network in Viena, November 10-14-2003: Apr-2004 - Complete evaluated mass chain uploaded to the NNDC. Aug-2004 - Evaluation received by reviewer for processing. Nov-2004 - Receive reviewer's report from NNDC. Apr-2005 – The TANDAR part of the mass chain revised according to the reviewer's report and re-sent to the NNDC. Oct-2005 - Complete revised mass chain uploaded to the NNDC. Jan- 2006 - Publication as NDS 107, 1 (2006). 2

3 Second year (2004): A=191 Mass chain evaluation (under IAEA contract ARG-12480-R1, Apr04) Lab. TANDAR, CNEA, Argentina: Evaluators: E.Achterberg, O.A.Capurro, G.V.Martí 191 At, 191 Po, 191 Bi, 191 Pb, 191 Tl, 191 Hg. Instituto de Física, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil: Evaluators: V.Vanin, N.L.Maidana, R.M.Castro 191 Au, 191 Pt, 191 Ir, 191 Os, 191 Re. Jul-2005-The TANDAR part of the revaluated mass chain sent to the NNDC. Jan-2007-Complete mass chain uploaded to the NNDC for review. May-2007-Reviewer's report received in Buenos Aires. Jun-2007-Reviewer's report received in Sao Paulo (V.Vanin). 3

4 4 Third year (2005): A=178 Mass chain evaluation (under IAEA contract ARG-12480-R2, Apr05) Tandar Laboratory, CNEA, Argentina: Evaluators: E.Achterberg, O.A.Capurro, G.V.Martí 178 Re, 178 Os, 178 Ir, 178 Pt, 178 Au, 178 Hg, 178 Tl, 178 Pb. Mar-2006 - First half of the reevaluated mass chain sent to the NNDC.

5 Fourth year (2007): A=178 Mass chain evaluation (under renewal IAEA contract ARG-14244-R0-Mar-07) Tandar Laboratory, CNEA, Argentina: Evaluators: E.Achterberg, O.A.Capurro, G.V.Martí 178 Yb, 178 Lu, 178 Hf, 178 Ta, 178 W. 5 Mar-2007 - Second half of A=178 mass chain evaluation begun. Jun-2007- 178 Yb, 178 Lu Ens-files first draft version ready. Feb-2008- Expected date to finish revision.

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