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United States Coast Guard RRT BRIEFING USCG SECTOR COLUMBIA RIVER 29 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "United States Coast Guard RRT BRIEFING USCG SECTOR COLUMBIA RIVER 29 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Coast Guard RRT BRIEFING USCG SECTOR COLUMBIA RIVER 29 June 2011

2 United States Coast Guard SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS  Tsunami Response – Brookings, Or.  12 March – Sector Columbia River IMD personnel responded to severe damage caused by the Japan Tsunami in the Port of Brookings Harbor.  Set up Incident Command Post and ICS.  Multiple broken and free floating docks within the Sporting Basin.  6 sunken vessels within the area.

3 United States Coast Guard SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS  F/V JB runs aground on beach – Gray’s Harbor, Wa.  06 June – Near the entrance to Westport Marina.  2 persons onboard rescued by local Coast Guard Station.  Potential 250 gallons of diesel fuel and lube oil onboard.  All product successfully recovered. 120 gallons of diesel fuel and 130 gallons of lube oil  No loss of product. All state partners notified.

4 United States Coast Guard SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS  Coffer Dam has been built and vessel is being salvaged in place. Estimated completion date of 25 July 2011 (not including soil remediation)  Total oil water mixture recovered: 1.7 million gallons  Total steel removed: 2.5 million pounds  Oiled debris disposed of: 468,720 pounds  Fund ceiling raised to $16.7 million

5 United States Coast Guard LST 1166 COTP provided EPA with Pollution Removal Funding Authorization providing reimbursement to conduct disposal alternatives assessment and generate Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis report on for the LST EPA currently completing EECA

6 United States Coast Guard OTHER SECTOR ACTIVITIES  Training, Drills, Exercises and Conferences:  MFSA Board and Subcommittee Meetings (Monthly)  DOE Quarterly Meeting - Apr  ICS 339 Instruction - Apr  Science of Oil Spills Workshop (Seattle) - Apr  MFSA spill training - May  MOBEX- May  CERCLA training (EPA)- May  International Oil Spill Conference - May  VOSS – DIP – SORS annual maintenance - Jun  Responded to:  21 Unknown Sheen cases  04 Mystery Drum removals  01 Sunken vehicles  16 Vessel discharges  05 Facility discharges or releases  Administration/Penalties  15 Letters of Warning  03 Notice of Violations  00 Class I Civil Penalty  00 Criminal

7 United States Coast Guard Looking Ahead  MFSA Board and Subcommittee Meetings  DOE Quarterly Meeting - Monthly  LEPCs (Clatsop, Columbia, Clark, Grays Harbor, Multnomah, and Cowlitz Counties) – Monthly  MFSA & Sause Bros. Worst Case Discharge Exercise – Longview, WA – July 19-20  VOSS system deployment – CGC Fir – Astoria – Sept. 19-22


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