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Published byJulian Lawrence Modified over 9 years ago
Non-photonic leptons and charm production at RHIC an experimental overview Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo – Brazil
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 2 RHIC white papers: many new things… RHIC has produced matter that behaves differently from anything we have seen previously... Can we fully describe it? Can we see the phase transition/critical point? Lower energies, different system sizes?... is dense (many times cold nuclear matter density)...... is dissipative...... exhibits strong collective behavior... Does dissipation and collective behavior both occur at the partonic stage? How partons interact with matter?... and seems to be thermally equilibrated Is it?... and still many questions.
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 3 How heavy flavors can help in this search? Heavy quarks are ideal probes for medium created at RHIC Two ways of doing that Quarkonium investigation Deconfinement Medium thermometer Open heavy flavor Production mechanisms thermalization Interaction with the medium tomography B. Mueller, nucl-th/0404015 D mesons, ’,
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 4 Open heavy flavors Useful tool to probe the medium Yield, spectra, correlations, jets… How do we do it? Hadronic reconstruction Clean probe, but difficult in high multiplicity environments Semi-leptonic decays Easier, but depends on ‘magic’ to disentangle flavors (or
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 5 How do we measure it? Designed for leptonic measurements Low radiation length Open heavy flavors Electron measurements and muons Quarkonia states Large acceptance and efficiency Good particle identification dE/dx, EMC and ToF Open heavy flavors hadronic reconstruction, muons and electrons Quarkonia states depend on special triggers
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 6 How do we measure it? Phenix Electrons Electromagnetic calorimeter and RICH at mid rapidity Muons Muon arms at forward rapidities STAR Hadronic reconstruction of D- mesons Muon identification with TPC/ToF Electrons ToF + TPC for low momentum (p T <4 GeV/c) EMC + TPC for high momentum (p T >1.5 GeV/c)
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 7 Not all electrons come from heavy flavor Most of electrons are originated from sources other than heavy flavors e + + e - (small for Phenix) 0 + e + + e - , etc. Phenix is almost material free, so their background is highly reduced when compared to STAR Phenix applies two different methods with very good consistency between them Converter method Cocktail method STAR has the advantage of being capable of measuring the background despite the amount of material PHENIX So, keep in mind that electrons go through a lot of plastic surgery Mass (GeV/c 2 )
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 8 Knowing that experiments are capable of measuring heavy flavors at RHIC, lets go through some findings. 3 main topics to discuss 1. Total charm cross section 2. Interactions of heavy flavors with the medium 3. Separation of charm from bottom at RHIC
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 9 Production mechanisms Charm quarks are believed to be produced at early stage by initial gluon fusions. (M. Gyulassy & Z. Lin, PRC 51 (1995) 2177) Sensitive to initial gluon distribution Nuclear and medium effects in the initial state
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 10 Baseline – production in p+p collisions M. Cacciari et al., PRL 95:122001,2005 Heavy Quark production is a “hard” process pQCD Calculation on NLO depends on: Quark mass m c, m b Factorization scale F (typically F = m T or 2m T ) Renormalization scale R (typically R = F ) Parton density functions (PDF) Fragmentation functions (FF) – plays important role Fixed-Order plus Next-to- Leading-Log (FONLL) designed to cure large logs for p T >> m q where mass is not relevant
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 11 Charm cross section from STAR Use all possible signals D mesons Electrons Muons Charm cross section is well constrained 95% of the total cross section Direct measurement D-mesons and muons constrain the low-p T region Y. Zhang (STAR), Hard Probes 2006
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 12 Charm cross section from PHENIX Many different datasets Non-photonic electron spectra Improving statistics over time Reducing p T cut Reduces extrapolation uncertainties hep-ex/0609010
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 13 Charm production at RHIC: total cross section FONLL as baseline Large uncertainties due to quark masses, factorization and renormalization scale Phenix about a factor of 2 higher but consistent within errors Only electrons but less background STAR data about a factor of 5 higher More material but it is the only direct measurement of D-mesons 95% of the total cross section is measured
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 14 Charm production at RHIC: total cross section Data from both experiments independently indicate total cross section follow N bin scaling Charm is produced by initial collisions No room for thermal production in the sQGP
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 15 Charm production at RHIC: spectra shape Does FONLL describe the spectral shape despite of any normalization discrepancy? Both STAR and PHENIX recently submitted electron spectra up to about 10 GeV/c How do they compare to FONLL?
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 16 Charm production at RHIC: spectra shape FONLL describes the shape well Experiments do not agree to each other Low material in Phenix Less electron background to subtract Direct measurement of D-mesons at STAR and low-p T Is this shown only at high-p T ?
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 17 Charm cross section: the issue STAR and PHENIX reported charm cross section in different collision configurations Data are self-consistent within experiments Both cross section and spectral shapes Both suggest N bin scaling in the cross section But experiments do not agree to each other PHENIX is a factor of ~2 lower than STAR D-mesons/muons/electrons measurement vs. Lower electron background Very important issue to be addressed in the next months Low material run at STAR and more precise D-mesons measurements are needed Are the discrepancies show stoppers on the understanding of the interaction between heavy quarks and the medium created at RHIC?
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 18 Energy loss in the medium Light quarks High p T suppression / quenching of away-side jet for light quark hadrons Can we learn something about the medium? Pedestal&flow subtracted
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 19 Energy loss in the medium Strong suppression observed for light quarks creates bias towards surface emission Medium is extremely opaque for light quarks What about heavy quarks? K.J. Eskola, H. Honkanken, C.A. Salgado, U.A. Wiedemann, Nucl. Phys. A747 (2005) 511 Increasing density
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 20 Open Heavy Flavors – Energy Loss in Medium In vacuum, gluon radiation suppressed at < m Q /E Q “dead cone” effect implies lower energy loss (Dokshitzer- Kharzeev, ‘01) energy distribution d /d of radiated gluons suppressed by angle-dependent factor Smaller energy loss would probe inside the medium Collisional E-loss: qg qg, qq qq dE/dx ln p - small? light (M.Djordjevic PRL 94 (2004)) Q
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 21 Collisional EL for heavy quarks M. Djordjevic, nucl-th/0603066 Collisional and radiative energy losses are comparable! M.G.Mustafa,Phys.Rev.C72:014905 A. K. Dutt-Mazumder et al.,Phys.Rev.D71:094016,2005 Should strongly affect heavy quark R AA
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 22 High-p T electrons and energy loss STAR STAR nucl-ex/0607012 (*)PHENIX nucl-ex/0611018 (*) updated data
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 23 Electron R AA from d+Au to central Au+Au Use of non-photonic electron spectra as proxy for energy loss study R AA show increasing suppression from peripheral to central Au+Au First evidence of heavy quark EL Differences between STAR and PHENIX disappear in R AA Is it smaller than for light- quark hadrons? PHENIX nucl-ex/0611018 STAR nucl-ex/0607012
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 24 Understanding NPE suppression Radiative EL with reasonable gluon densities do not explain the observed suppression Djordjevic, Phys. Lett. B632 81 (2006) Even extreme conditions with high transport coefficient do not account for the observed suppression Armesto, Phys. Lett. B637 362 (2006) Other EL mechanisms? PHENIX nucl-ex/0611018 STAR nucl-ex/0607012
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 25 Understanding NPE suppression Collisional EL may be significant for heavy quarks Wicks, nucl- th/0512076 van Hess, Phys. Rev. C73 034913 (2006) Still marginal at high-p T PHENIX nucl-ex/0611018 STAR nucl-ex/0607012
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 26 Understanding NPE suppression Charm alone seems to describe better the suppression at high-p T Dead cone more significant for bottom quark larger collisional (relative) EL PHENIX nucl-ex/0611018 STAR nucl-ex/0607012
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 27 Understanding NPE suppression Other effects may contribute to the observed suppression What if heavy quarks fragment inside the medium and are suppressed by dissociation? Adil and Vitev, hep-ph/0611109 Similar suppression for B and D at high- p T PHENIX nucl-ex/0611018 STAR nucl-ex/0607012
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 28 solid: STAR open: PHENIX PRL91(03) Open Heavy Flavors – Elliptic Flow Van Hees & Rapp, PRC 71, 034907: resonant heavy-light quark scattering via scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, and axial vector D-like-mesons Observed large elliptic flow of light/s quark mesons at RHIC Strong evidence for thermalization What about charm? Naïve kinematical argument: need m q /T ~ 7 times more collisions to thermalize v 2 of charm closely related to R AA V.Greco, C.M. Ko nucl-th/0405040
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 29 Do heavy quarks flow? Study of non-photonic single electrons (from semileptonic D decays) First hint of strong charm v 2 for p T <2 GeV/c Compatible with v 2 charm = v 2 light-q Seems to decrease at higher-p T (????) Does the suppression of charm makes bottom evident in this region in Au+Au? Increase statistics PHENIX nucl-ex/0611018
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 30 Many questions… The NPE R AA and v 2 shows interesting results Suppression is very large when compared to the expectation from radiative energy loss that seems to work well for light quark hadrons Other possible mechanisms? Collisional EL, resonances, in medium fragmentation… Need to investigate in detail different aspects of the suppression Centrality dependence, system size, … But, very important, need to disentangle charm from bottom! PHENIX nucl-ex/0611018 STAR nucl-ex/0607012
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 31 e-h correlations in p+p: bottom vs. charm See Xiaoyan Lin’s talk for STAR Understand charm and bottom production is a key point to understand suppression and flow Direct measurement is very complicated One possible idea: electron- hadron correlations Near side peak dominated by decay kinematics Preliminary e-h correlations from p+p collisions in STAR Extract relative bottom contribution for different electrons p T
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 32 See Xiaoyan Lin’s talk for STAR FONLL has large uncertainties in the b/(c+b) ratio Could the data nail it down? First measurement of open-bottom at RHIC Non-zero contribution of bottom Very close to FONLL predictions e-h correlations in p+p: bottom vs. charm
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 33 Some considerations… Heavy flavor is an important tool to understand HI physics at RHIC First RHIC results are interesting and challenging Large differences in cross section between Phenix and STAR Why so much suppression at high-p T ? Do heavy flavors flow? Charm and bottom relative production. Where bottom starts dominating? First attempts from STAR indicates a non-zero contribution of bottom to the NPE spectra Very first step on the understanding of heavy quark EL
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 34 We are just in the beginning… Heavy flavor is challenging Measurements are complicated and hungry for statistics The future is promising… STAR and PHENIX upgrades visioning heavy flavor measurements RHIC II upgrades will provide more luminosity
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 35 Extras
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 36 Open Heavy Flavor – Goals and Requirements Physics MotivationProbesStudiesRequirements BaselineD/B mesons, non- photonic electrons Rapidity y(x F ) and p T spectra in AA, pA as a function of A, √s High Luminosity High resolution vertex detectors (c (D) ~ 100- 300 m) High-p T PID (D K ) Thermalization, Transport properties of the medium D mesons, B? non-photonic electrons (D+B) Elliptic flow v 2 p T spectra as above Properties of the medium Initial conditions D, B (B J/ + X) mesons, non- photonic electrons R AA (p T ), R CP of D, B as a function of p T for various √s as above Properties of the medium Heavy Flavor Production D mesons, non- photonic electrons Correlations: charm-charm charm-hadron J/ -hadron HIGH luminosity (eff 2 !) Large coverage Trigger ?
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 37 How to do it? RHIC-II: increased luminosity (RHIC-II ≈ 40 × RHIC) collision diamond s = 20 cm at RHIC and s = 10 cm at RHIC II gain in usable luminosity is larger than “nominal” increase PHENIX & STAR: more powerful upgraded detectors crucial to the Heavy Flavor physics program - completed in mid/near term ~5 years. STAR: DAQ upgrade increases rate to 1 KHz, triggered data has ~ 0 dead time. Silicon tracking upgrade for heavy flavor, jet physics, spin physics. Barrel TOF for hadron PID, heavy flavor decay electron PID. EMCAL + TOF J/y trigger useful in Au+Au collisions. Forward Meson Detector PHENIX: Silicon tracker for heavy flavor, jet physics, spin physics. Forward muon trigger for high rate pp + improved pattern recognition. Nose cone calorimeter for heavy flavor measurements. Aerogel + new MRP TOF detectors for hadron PID. Hadron-blind detector for light vector meson e+e- measurements.
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 38 Charm production at RHIC: spectra shape FONLL describe the shape well, despite normalization
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 39 Systematic of charm cross section data Exp. discrepancy is not a new event Discrepancy with theory has also a long history Only recently data and theory touched the bases pp pp Theory has to deal with many choices of parameters Experiments need to deal with many corrections on data if measuring NPE Knowledge evolves in both sides with time!
Alexandre Suaide University of São Paulo, Brazil Quark Matter 2006 Shanghai, China 40 Where bottom become significant? Large uncertainties in FONLL prediction on the relative b/c yield It is important to reduce the uncertainties by measuring the relative contribution
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