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Independence  Texas gains its independence June of 1836 with the Treaties of Velasco.

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2 Independence  Texas gains its independence June of 1836 with the Treaties of Velasco

3 Leadership  The republic of Texas had 3 presidents: Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, & Anson Jones

4 Sam Houston  First administration 1836- 1838  Focused on forming government, dealing with debt, the army, conflict with Native Americans & Mexico, and selecting a capital.  Dismissed army because of cost & bad relationship. Replaces them with Texas Rangers- used to fight Native Americans & Mexican soldiers.  Signed treaty with Chief Bowles, Cherokee Chief

5 Mirabeau B. Lamar  2 nd president of republic from 1838- 1841  Did not agree with Houston’s policies  Focused on pushing Native Americans further west, education, & new capital (Austin).  Doubled public debt because of Indian wars & increased inflation

6 Council House Fight  March 19, 1840 a group of Comanche leaders agree to meet in San Antonio & surrender all Anglo captives  Delivered one: Matilda Lockhart  Texans were angry & attacked Comanche ; 7 Texans died with many Comanche leaders

7 Santa Fe Expedition  June 1841  Lamar sends troops to claim western boundary of Texas- all of Rio Grande which included Santa Fe & part of present day New Mexico  Mexico did not agree neither did the citizens of Santa Fe; Texans were captured & taken to Mexico City  Caused Mexico to raid TX again

8 Native Troubles  Lamar ordered Chief Bowles to lead Cherokees out of TX.  Bowles refuses & is killed  Cherokees were forced to present day Oklahoma

9 Cordova Rebellion  Led by Vicente Cordova  Organizes with group of about 400 people loyal to Mexico near Angelina River  Before anything could happen the group was put down but distrust of Native Americans & Mexicans increased  Led to Cherokees being forced to Oklahoma

10 Texas Rangers  Lamar used Rangers to fight Mexicans & Native Americans  Jack Coffee Hayes: Best known Texas Ranger; Captain & surveyor of Republic of Texas

11 Sam Houston  Second Administration from 1841- 1844  Re-elected after Lamar  Most Texans were unhappy with the conflict during Lamar’s administration  Focused on return to peace, decrease public debt, & to prepare TX for statehood

12 Houston cont’d  Due to Santa Fe Expedition Mexico began to invade TX  Houston used TX Rangers to guard border & end threat  About 300 Texans crossed border into Mier fought in 2 day battle then surrendered

13 Anson Jones  Last president of Republic  Served from 1844 -1845  Supported Houston’s policies; focused on maintaining peace with Native Americans, tried to limit spending & turned TX over to U.S.  Texas becomes the 28 th state in 1845

14 Texas Navy  Used to protect coast during Houston’s term  Lamar had Congress issue bonds to buy ships  Used to conduct unsuccessful peace negotiations between TX & Mexico  Most officers were recruited from U.S. Navy  Commodored by Edwin W. Moore: dishonorably discharged by Houston for supporting Yucatan Rebels.

15 Jose Antonio Navarro  Bexar’s representative in Texas Congress  Voice of Tejanos tried to protect their land claims & rights  Helped write state constitution  Supported Lamar  Critic of Houston

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