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United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Indicators of Gender Equality Conference of European Statisticians 62 nd plenary session.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Indicators of Gender Equality Conference of European Statisticians 62 nd plenary session."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Indicators of Gender Equality Conference of European Statisticians 62 nd plenary session Paris, 9-11 April 2014 Andres Vikat

2 UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2 Timeline  Work Session on Gender Statistics, April 2010  Bureau, ToR, Nov 2010 → task force led by Italy  Draft discussed by Bureau in October 2013  Consultation January-March 2014  Workshop in March 2014  Results of consultation April 2014  Revisions May-Sep 2014  Proposed endorsement: Oct 2014 by the Bureau

3 UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3 Key features of the report  Selection of 123 indicators: 47 headline, 76 supporting  Structured according to the strategic objectives of the Beijing Platform for Action  Consistency with existing indicator sets, in particular the global minimum set of gender indicators  Issues requiring further work: UNECE Database Methodological and data issues

4 UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4 Comments  30 countries  6 international organizations  Broad support  No opposition

5 UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5 General comments  Support for the rationale and structure  Availability challenges: Violence Indicators from time-use surveys Indicators from Generations and Gender Surveys  Balance of the number of indicators by domain  Various and proposals for organizing the material

6 UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6 Comments on further work  UNECE Database: Add the headline indicators (25) Use international sources  Methodological challenges: Poverty and social transfers Violence, including stalking Return to education Lifelong learning, vocational education and training Health Human rights Comparability of indicators

7 UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7 Next steps  The Conference is invited to discuss the report  Task Force to revise the report: May-Sep 2014  Proposed endorsement: Oct 2014 by the Bureau

8 UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8 Thank you for your attention.

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