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Factors when giving media interviews & communicating with significant others P4 & P5.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors when giving media interviews & communicating with significant others P4 & P5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors when giving media interviews & communicating with significant others
P4 & P5

2 Factors to consider… Communicating accurately & effectively
Personal delivery Preparation for communication Different media requirements Appearance Timing

3 Communicating Accurately and Clearly… This is important in developing relationships with the many people an athlete will meet on a day to day basis Verbal communication Verbal communication is speaking. We would use it in face to face and telephone conversations. Often we change the tone, pitch, pace and volume of the words we say depending on the message we are trying to get across. TYPES of Communication: There are two different types of communication Verbal communication Talking, asking questions, listening, responding Non-verbal communication Body language, gestures, listening  Non-Verbal communication Non verbal communication is all about sending signals or making gestures, and includes facial expression and body language. Body language/ Gestures/ Listening For example, a coach on the touchline may send instructions to players by using gestures or signals. ACTIVE Listening Why/ How/ Where/ What/ When

4 Reading and Writing Reading:
If you are writing to a potential employer, you would choose a formal style. This means: - Being concise and clear - Having a good structure: - Avoid using text language - Avoid incorrect spellings - Avoid the use of slang Reading and Writing It is essential for your employer to see that you can communicate efficiently and accurately, and may be the difference between being offered an interview or not. Reading: Skimming: - Going through texts at speed in order to give you a flavour of the text Scanning: - Looking for information such as an address or topic Searching: - Know what you are looking for and finding key words/ phrases Informal communication would be when writing a text, or sending an to friend. The rules of formal communication are not as necessary in this situation.

5 Personal Delivery Body Language:
Language and Speech: These reflect the thoughts and feelings we are experiencing. When choosing the words of which we communicate with, we have to take into consideration the audience we are addressing: Technicality of Vocabulary Speed of delivery Tone Loudness Communication is your responsibility and the response you receive, depends on the quality of communication you present. Body Language: How we present our body can be an indication of what/ how we are feeling Confidence= Upright position,/ posture, with shoulders pulled back and relaxed facial expressions Uptight/ Insecure= Crossed arms/ legs and fidgeting leads to a feeling of being uncomfortable. Appearance: A reflection of your personality and is the first indication of who you are as a person/ team. EG: FA cup final wearing tailored suits. Our appearance is manufactured from the situation we find ourselves in

6 Types of media interview…
television (local and national), radio (local and national), print media (local newspapers, national newspapers, specialist magazines, club magazines) For P4 you need to choose only 2 CONTRASTING media interviews

7 Possible Factors: Communicating accurately & effectively Personal delivery Preparation for communication Different media requirements Appearance Timing For P4, describe the factors to consider when communicating with 2 DIFFERENT media types Media Types: Television Radio Print media

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