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ENHANCED LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES For Faculty and Staff Deer School Lakes District.

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Presentation on theme: "ENHANCED LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES For Faculty and Staff Deer School Lakes District."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENHANCED LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES For Faculty and Staff Deer School Lakes District


3 What are the benefits of a traditional LOCKDOWN? Police and School Administrator’s –Command One word can initiate procedure –Control Know where everyone is located –Convenience Easily administered and followed Keep you in for Safety? For the shooter or violent intruder –Command Action initiates response –Control Procedure requires everyone to remain –Convenience Minimal action causes desired response

4 LOCKDOWN bases survival on the inability of the bad guys to reach the innocent before police contact. But how will it really end? Suicide Weapon Malfunction Civilian Intervention Police Intervention

5 Source:

6 ALiCE is a Comprehensive Program “Enhance……Not Change!” TURN A.L. INTO A.L.i.C.E. Alert Lockdown inform Counter Evacuate ALiCE is NOT a linear, progressive response

7 * ALERT * Persons may or may not receive advance warning of an active shooter. Loudspeaker, phone, direct communication, etc. Personal or witness observation Gunshots (hear, see or smell)

8 Providing real time information to those under attack Information is key for making decisions Information allows for options Information instead of commands –empowers faculty, staff & students to improve their chances of survival

9 * LOCKDOWN * Lockdown is an excellent starting point Classrooms should already be locked in! –PA State Police, Best Practice Standards as recommended in our Risk and Vulnerability Assessment –Should be closed and locked during classes and when not in use Barricade if evacuation is not an option. Remember, Do Not Open Door for Anyone!

10 LOCKDOWN / BARRICADE Lock the door from the inside if possibleLock the door from the inside if possible Turn off the lightsTurn off the lights Stack desks/tables/anything in front of the doorStack desks/tables/anything in front of the door Move to a location away from the door.Move to a location away from the door. Get behind cover if possibleGet behind cover if possible Assess for possible avenues of escapeAssess for possible avenues of escape Assess for possible defensive tacticsAssess for possible defensive tactics

11 Use items to keep the door from opening and place large items in front of the door as obstacles.


13 * INFORM * Continuation of the Alert Provide real time information- HOW? –PA System –Text messaging –Email –Using camera systems Take advantage of the actor’s fragile state –Talk to/at them and redirect their focus

14 * EVACUATE * Provides faculty, staff & students with the ability and authority to evacuate Removes as many potential targets as possible Removes need for family and friends to come to the scene Follows natural response

15 Evacuate Whether planned or not, a mass evacuation will occur during an active shooter event –Over 700 students at Columbine evacuated on their own despite being told to lockdown. Where will they go? Planning required by NIMS Little resources are required, only information required

16 * COUNTER * Goal is enhance survivability!Goal is enhance survivability! Teach skills - Take advantage of the unknown tactical advantages that exist!Teach skills - Take advantage of the unknown tactical advantages that exist! Empower people to help themselvesEmpower people to help themselves –They are the actual first responders Easily learned skills which can drastically increase survivabilityEasily learned skills which can drastically increase survivability

17 ACTION OPTIONS Create ChaosCreate Chaos Shout, Yell, ScreamShout, Yell, Scream Throw thingsThrow things SpraysSprays Move, Move, MoveMove, Move, Move Create barriersCreate barriers Divert attentionDivert attention SWARMSWARM

18 We are taught not to be passive for other threats! R.A.D- Rape Aggression Defense Airlines Stranger Danger (Run, Scream, Kick)

19 A.L.i.C.E. Providing options to choose from … in your greatest moment of needProviding options to choose from … in your greatest moment of need You make the decision on the option best for you and your students.You make the decision on the option best for you and your students. Empowering you to save your own life and the lives of your students!Empowering you to save your own life and the lives of your students!

20 U.S. Department of Homeland Security


22 ANYTHING BEATS NOTHING! “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing!”

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