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COORDINATOR: KATELYNN BOURASSA Psychology 1000 Research Requirement.

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Presentation on theme: "COORDINATOR: KATELYNN BOURASSA Psychology 1000 Research Requirement."— Presentation transcript:

1 COORDINATOR: KATELYNN BOURASSA (KMCCONN4@UWYO.EDU) Psychology 1000 Research Requirement

2 REQUIREMENTS Complete 6 hours of research credit Options:  Study Participation  Pretest Survey  Quizzes 1 Credit = 1 Hour Participation/1 Quiz

3 WHY RESEARCH?  Not typical extra-credit busy work  Actual studies that are published and contribute to the field  Brings in funding to UW which helps lower tuition fees

4 SONA ACCOUNT Create a personal account  Online   User ID (email confirmation)  Smartphone App  Search for “SONA Systems”  Available for iOS and Android operating systems In SONA:  Search for studies  Register for studies  Cancel appointments  Check credits earned





9 OPTION 1: STUDY PARTICIPATION SONA manages details  E-mail reminders, receipts, etc. You must be 17 years or older to participate  Email Katelynn if under age 17 If you sign up for a study, you must show up or cancel your spot! Please cancel through SONA at least 24 hours in advance Failure to cancel a minimum of 1 hour in advance results in one “strike” “3 strikes and you’re out”  No longer able to earn credit through “Study Participation Option”

10 STUDY PARTICIPATION: PRETEST SURVEY 8:00am Monday, September 14 th to 9:00pm Sunday, September 27 th Pretest is only available for 2 weeks You will receive ONE credit hour for completing the pretest  You will NOT be eligible for MOST studies if you do not complete it during the week it is available If you miss the pretest, you may still qualify for a reduced number of studies

11 OPTION 2: QUIZZES Six quizzes offered Email Katelynn prior to quiz date to sign up Based on research articles: o Psychology Dept. web page o “Research Participation for Students” link Must read the articles ahead of time Quizzes will not be available after dates listed o May be taken early

12 QUIZ SCHEDULE Tuesdays at 12:30pm in Biological Sciences 310 DATETIME September 2912:30pm October 1312:30pm October 2712:30pm November 1012:30pm November 2412:30pm December 812:30pm

13 DEADLINES AND QUESTIONS Last day to participate in research: Friday, December 11 th Participate early! Questions about a specific study should go to the researcher in charge. Contact Katelynn Bourassa with general questions  Email:  Office hours: Tuesdays from 9:30am-11:30am in BS 102.

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