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AP Psychology Introduction

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1 AP Psychology Introduction
The AP Psychology Exam measures students' knowledge of the 14 key topics in psychology and tests their ability to define, compare, and apply concepts and research findings. Questions are based on key terminology, scientific methodology, and theories associated with each subfield.

2 AP Psychology Exam Administrated World-wide on May 4
100 multiple choice questions in 70 minutes 66.67% of the exam grade 2 Free response questions in 50 minutes 33.33% of the test

3 Multiple Choice example: Vic has unpredictable and repeated attacks of overwhelming anxiety that frequently leave him dizzy, nauseous, short of breath, and in tears. A psychologist is likely to view Vic’s behavior as indicative of (A) a panic disorder (B) a psychotic breakdown (C) a dissociative reaction (D) a phobia (E) an obsession

4 Multiple Choice example: Vic has unpredictable and repeated attacks of overwhelming anxiety that frequently leave him dizzy, nauseous, short of breath, and in tears. A psychologist is likely to view Vic’s behavior as indicative of (A) a panic disorder (B) a psychotic breakdown (C) a dissociative reaction (D) a phobia (E) an obsession

5 Multiple Choice Example: This reversible figure illustrates the Gestalt organizing principle of (A) proximity (B) figure-ground (C) closure (D) common fate (E) simplicity

6 Multiple Choice Example: This reversible figure illustrates the Gestalt organizing principle of (A) proximity (B) figure-ground (C) closure (D) common fate (E) simplicity

7 AP Psych Free Response Basics
NOT your typical 5-paragraph essay More closely related to a short-answer response to a scenario

8 AP Psych Free Response Prompt
Directions: You have 50 minutes to answer BOTH of the following questions. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology.

9 AP Psychology Free Response Example: In response to declining reading scores in local schools, John wrote an editorial suggesting that schools need to increase interest in reading books by providing students with incentives. Based on research showing a relation between use of incentives and student reading, he recommended providing a free pizza coupon for every ten books a student reads.

10 AP Psychology Free Response Example:
A. Explain how each of the following psychological concepts can be used to refute John’s argument. Correlational research Overjustification effect B. Explain how schedules of reinforcement can be used to strengthen John’s plan. C. Explain how each of the following psychological phenomena could influence a reader’s view of John’s argument. Belief perseverance Central route to persuasion Retroactive interference Source amnesia

11 AP Psychology Exam Scored on a scale of 1 – 5 (5 is high)
5 = Extremely well qualified 4 = Well Qualified 3 = Qualified 2 = Possibly Qualified 1 = No Recommendation

12 AP Psychology Exam 4 or 5 earns college credit – depends on the university. It costs $89 to take the test Those who take the AP Psychology Exam are exempt from taking the class final.


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