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1 TELL ME NOW Experts in Research & Strategic Business Information Business acumen vs reference skills. What makes a good Information.

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Presentation on theme: "1 TELL ME NOW Experts in Research & Strategic Business Information Business acumen vs reference skills. What makes a good Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 TELL ME NOW Experts in Research & Strategic Business Information Business acumen vs reference skills. What makes a good Information Broker? Presentation for the ALIA - RAISS Conference 12th October 2001 - Melbourne

2 2 TELL ME NOW  Vision –Tell Me Now will expand to become a leading business in the Research & Information industry in the Asia Pacific region  Mission –To provide quality and timely research and information to the business community  Values - Fun, Quality, Reliability, Respect, Integrity, Open Communication, Commitment, Teamwork, Professional, Flexible, Innovative

3 3 What does it take to cross from free to fee?  Attitudes  Skills  Client focussed  Marketing  Virtual workplace Are we different ?

4 4 Attitudes What makes a exceptional researcher?  Determination - “Can do”  Problem solving - “Thinking outside the box”  Flexibility - “Nothing is below you”  Customer centric - “Provide solutions”  Adaptability - “Push boundaries”  Belief in the service that you are offering

5 5 Skills What makes a exceptional researcher?  Communication: written, phone and email  Excellent online searching: free and fee databases  Interviewing : verbal, email and face to face  Analysis and report writing: draw conclusions and write up clearly  Sleuthing - Using lateral thinking to get answers

6 6 Work Environment Virtual global office  Our researchers rarely meet each other let alone clients  75% of work is conducted via email and phone  24% of work is conducted via email alone  1% of work is conducted after face to face client contact  20% of work is from overseas

7 7 Are we really different? Our clients are different:  When people pay they want you to succeed  Must become part of their company/team  Expect that you have their best interest at heart  Rely on you to provide cost effective solutions  Demand superior levels of research  Treat you as an “expert” Are we different - You decide for yourself!

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