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Practical Approaches To The Promotion of Careers Related To STEM Subjects for K.S.3 Pupils Fermanagh Learning Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Approaches To The Promotion of Careers Related To STEM Subjects for K.S.3 Pupils Fermanagh Learning Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Approaches To The Promotion of Careers Related To STEM Subjects for K.S.3 Pupils Fermanagh Learning Community

2 What makes Science so special? Science is about improving peoples’ lives –health, environment. It develops logical and analytical skills- assets whatever the job. It improves creativity, lateral thinking, communication and team working. By improving STEM industries, we generate fundamental wealth. We can no longer rely just on the service, retail and public sectors. On average, Science graduates can expect to earn more than Arts graduates.

3 Matrix Report Employment opportunities over the next 10 years in the following key sectors: Agri-food Renewable Energy Creative Industries ICT Life and Health Sciences Advanced Engineering (Transport) Advanced Materials

4 STEM Review N.I. There is a growing STEM supply and demand mismatch: Decline in uptake in the physical sciences and Maths. Gender imbalance. Inadequate careers advice for STEM students. The curriculum needs to be made more exciting, real and relevant and local industry has an important role to play in this.

5 N.I Workforce Development Forum In response to “Programme for Government 2008-2011” To increase by 25% the number of graduate students studying STEM subjects by 2015. To grow the Creative Industries sector by up to 15% by 2011 (Multi media, music technology, set design). To ensure that up to 12% of our electricity is generated from indigenous renewable sources by 2012 (Environmental Engineering).

6 What about the Economic Downturn? History shows downturns are followed by recovery. History shows that education and skills shortages appear during an upturn, slowing the rate of recovery. We need to invest now in skills needed for the future. STEM is fundamental for a clean, green, sustainable future.

7 What has been done to date? -Survey of year 10 pupils -Teacher placements -Work with Sector Skills Councils Agri- Food Industry

8 FORMAT NEW IDEAS FOR STEM PROJECTS INFLUENCERS Careers teachers STEM teachers Careers service N.I Parents Industry role models INFRASTRUCTURE Links with local employers pupil

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