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Individualized Learning Plans: Connecting Schoolwork with Plans for the Future Barbara J. Crudale Kathy Sisson Belinda J. Wilkerson ASCA Annual Conference,

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Presentation on theme: "Individualized Learning Plans: Connecting Schoolwork with Plans for the Future Barbara J. Crudale Kathy Sisson Belinda J. Wilkerson ASCA Annual Conference,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Individualized Learning Plans: Connecting Schoolwork with Plans for the Future Barbara J. Crudale Kathy Sisson Belinda J. Wilkerson ASCA Annual Conference, Dallas TX June 2009

2 What does your chocolate say about you? Milk Chocolate Dark Chocolate Mr. Goodbar Krackle 2

3 What is an ILP? ”dynamic tool that maps academic plans, and reflects each student’s unique set of interests, needs, learning goals and graduation requirements.” …. “guides individual students’ development towards meeting the ASCA standards found in the Rhode Island Framework for Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Programs, culminating in students’ achieving goals in three domains: academic, career, and personal/social.” Source: RI Guidance, January 2009 Individualized Learning Plan 3

4 RI Regulations Economic realities for students (see chart, next slide) Connections to IDEA rules and regulations on transition Ensuring equity of services Access to rigorous courses Why an ILP? 4

5 Expected Lifetime Earnings of the 18 to 64 Year Old RI Resident, by Educational Attainment 2005-2007 (In 2007 dollars) 5

6 Nationwide ILP Report Results of State Survey on Individual Learning Plans Faith Connolly (2008) States with Mandated ILPs/Guidance or Policy Framework – 21 States with Non-Mandated ILPs – 9 Based on reports from 46 states 6

7 Components of Rhode Island ILP Goals Reflections Biannual update Plan beyond high school 7

8 Paper Electronic  Individual School-based server RICHER Picture  Statewide program: Types of ILPs 8

9 Roles and Responsibilities -school wide effort Pilot Program –Possibly with one class –Use resources readily available -Share data with the community ILP Process 9

10 Where do you want to be in 5 years? Academic, professional development goals Personal/Social dreams Career ambitions 10

11 Planning for the Future 11

12 Academic Place to keep track of academic credits, learning styles information, teacher references Suggested Resources 5 year plan Other learning styles resources Credit audit 12

13 Career Place to keep references, volunteer and employment experiences, résumé Suggested Resources Printed Harrington O’Shea Kuder’s Electronic O*NET America’s Career Resource Network 13

14 Personal/Social Place to keep list of hobbies, travel experiences, extracurricular activities Suggested Resources Narragansett High School’s ILP 14

15 Step back…Data Collection from an ILP Critical data element – what are you trying to change with ILPs? Process Data Perception Data Results Data Process vs Product 15

16 Lessons Learned Implementation takes time AND many revisions Process over Product Power of pilot programs Importance of leaders/collaborators Students connect personal and career goals with academic goals and course work Student driven working document 16

17 Why ILP? Students “The ILP keeps me thinking about the future and careers I am interested.” Freshman, South Kingstown High School, RI Counselors “ILPs have moved counselors to the forefront of education…we are now seated at the table with other stakeholders in discussing what students need to know and assisting students in planning for their futures.” Secondary School Counselor, South Kingstown High School, RI 17

18 Individualized Learning Plans: Connecting Schoolwork with Plans for the Future Barbara J. Crudale Kathy Sisson Belinda J. Wilkerson

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