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Tariff and Concession Framework Review Aden Barker Office of Energy Energy Affordability.

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Presentation on theme: "Tariff and Concession Framework Review Aden Barker Office of Energy Energy Affordability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tariff and Concession Framework Review Aden Barker Office of Energy Energy Affordability

2 Session Overview 1.Who we are – Office of Energy 2.The Tariff & Concession Framework Review 3.TCF Review Findings 4.Some TCF Review Conclusions Energy Affordability – TCF Review

3 Who we are: “The Office of Energy leads the development and implementation of policy and programs to meet Western Australia's energy needs”. 1. The Office of Energy

4 What does that mean?: Policy advice on: Consumer protection Consumer price impacts Energy concessions Coordination of Programs: Hardship Efficiency Program Fridge Replacement Scheme 1. The Office of Energy

5 Considering ways of charging for electricity and providing concessions to: 1.improve the affordability of essential electricity use; 2.facilitate the equitable, efficient and full recovery of the cost of supplying electricity; 3.provide clear information to consumers regarding the impact of their electricity use; and 4.provide targeted assistance for those who most require it. 2. The Tariff & Concession Framework (TCF) Review

6 How did we do it? Public Consultation Tariff and Concession Modelling Household Energy Characteristics Survey 2. The Tariff & Concession Framework (TCF) Review

7 Issues Paper (88 submissions) 9 Regional Consultation Sessions Project Reference Group 2. TCF Review - Consultation

8 Major issues Raised: Energy Affordability Inclining Block Tariffs Concessions Energy Efficiency Defining Essential Energy use 2. TCF Review - Consultation


10 Putting it into Perspective 3. TCF Review - Findings

11 Putting it into Perspective 3. TCF Review - Findings (ABS)

12 Putting it into Perspective 3. TCF Review - Findings

13 Putting it into Perspective 3. TCF Review - Findings

14 However … Many Households Are Using More 3. TCF Review - Findings

15 However … ‘Average’ Doesn’t Mean Much 3. TCF Review - Findings

16 However … Less Use = Different Price Signals 3. TCF Review - Findings

17 However … Electricity is Still Heavily Subsidised 3. TCF Review - Findings

18 However … Income Plays a Big Role (ABS) 3. TCF Review - Findings

19 So, what do we take from all this? Payment difficulty is caused by a number of factors – not just electricity prices Assistance should be tailored and targeted Consumption information for consumers is important 4. TCF Review - Conclusions

20 So, what do we take from all this? There’s a need for improved communication by Government in this area Significant scope for improved energy efficiency Concessions policy may be better coordinated across State Government 4. TCF Review - Conclusions


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