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CS 321 Programming Languages and Compilers Lectures 16 & 17 Introduction to Formal Languages Regular Languages Lexical Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 321 Programming Languages and Compilers Lectures 16 & 17 Introduction to Formal Languages Regular Languages Lexical Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 321 Programming Languages and Compilers Lectures 16 & 17 Introduction to Formal Languages Regular Languages Lexical Analysis

2 Finite Automata & Lexing 2 Languages Have a finite vocabulary Have finite length sentences Have possibly infinitely many sentences

3 Finite Automata & Lexing 3 Grammars and Recognizers A Grammar is a finitary method by which all sentences of a language, L, may be generated via well-defined rules. A Recognizer is a procedure which, given a “string” x, answers “yes” if x  L We usually also want to answer “no” if x  L, I.e. usually demand an algorithm.)

4 Finite Automata & Lexing 4 (Context-Free) Grammars Def. A (context-free or Chomsky Type-2) grammar (cfg) is a 4-tuple G = (N, , P, S) where –N is a finite, non-empty set of symbols (non-terminal vocabulary) –  is a finite set of symbols (terminal vocabulary) –N   =  –V  N   (vocabulary) –S  N (goal symbol) –P is a finite subset of N  V * (production rules)

5 Finite Automata & Lexing 5 Set Operations Def. Let X and Y be sets of words XY  {xy | x X and y Y} X 0  {  } (where  represents the empty string) X 1  X X I+1  X i X X *   i  0 X i X +   i > 0 X i (so X + = X * X)

6 Finite Automata & Lexing 6 Example G = (N, , P, E) where N = {E, T, F}  = {[, ], +, *, id} P = {(E,T), (E,E+T), (T,F), (T,T*F), (F,id), (F,[E])} (so V = N   = {E, T, F, [, ], +, *, id}) (A,  )  P is usually written A   or A ::=  or A : 

7 Finite Automata & Lexing 7 Convention Given G = (N, , P, S) (with V = N   ) (or G = (V, , P, S) with N=V-  ) –elements of N: A, B, … –elements of V: … U, V, W, X, Y, Z –elements of  : a, b, … –elements of  * : … u, v, w, x, y, z –elements of V * : , ,, , ,  others: –names (not underlined) : N –S: N –underlined or courier font:  –special symbols:  –  is used to denote a production rule: (  = A   )

8 Finite Automata & Lexing 8 Generating L How to use a grammar, G, to generate a sentence in L (G): Begin with a string,  consisting of only the goal symbol. repeat select from  a non-terminal “A” and “rewrite” A according to some production (A,  ) thereby producing  ’ from . until  ’   *

9 Finite Automata & Lexing 9 Example G = (N, , P, S) where P is (abbreviated) as follows: E  T | E + T T  F | T * F F  id | and where N = {E, T, F, Q}  = {+, *,, id} S = E

10 Finite Automata & Lexing 10 Regular Sets Regular sets (also called regular languages) are defined as follows. Let  be a finite alphabet. 1)  is a regular set over . 2) {  } is a regular set over . 3)  a  , {a} is a regular set over . 4) If P and Q are regular sets over , a) P  Q is a regular set over . b) PQ is a regular set over . c) P * is a regular set over . 5) Nothing else is a regular set over .

11 Finite Automata & Lexing 11 Regular Expressions 1)  denotes the regular set . 2)  denotes the regular set {  }. 3) a denotes the regular set {a}. 4) If p and q are regular expressions denoting the regular sets P and Q respectively, then a) (p|q) denotes P  Q. b) (pq) denotes PQ. c) (p) * denotes p * 5) Nothing else is a regular expression. *** Notation: (p) +  ((p) * p) (p)?  p | 

12 Finite Automata & Lexing 12 Right-Linear Grammars (Generators for Regular Sets) Def. Let G = (N, , P, S) be a cfg. G is said to be right-linear if P  N  (  *   * N) *** Proposition. If G is a right-linear cfg then L (G) is a regular set over . Proposition. If R is a regular set over , then  a right-linear cfg, G, for which L (G) = R.

13 Finite Automata & Lexing 13 Finite Automata (Recognizers for Regular Sets) Def. A deterministic finite automaton (deterministic finite state machine) is a 5-tuple: M = (Q, , , q 0, F) where 1) Q is a finite non-empty set of states. 2)  is a finite set of input symbols. 3) q 0  Q (initial state) 4) F  Q (final states) 5)  is a partial mapping from Q   to Q (transition function or move function)

14 Finite Automata & Lexing 14 Transition Diagrams FSMs are often visualized as transition diagrams. p r s q start 0|1  

15 Finite Automata & Lexing 15 Finite State Machines The preceding transition diagram can be represented by a tabular move function:

16 Finite Automata & Lexing 16 Finite State Machines The preceding transition diagram can be represented by a tabular move function: q0q0 Q  F

17 Finite Automata & Lexing 17 Formalizing the Moves of a FSM A pair (q,u) in Q   * is called a configuration of M. (q 0, u) is an initial configuration. M proceeds from one configuration to the next by moving according to the transition function: (q, au)  (q’, u) if  (q, a)=q’ (q, u)  …  (q’, v) is written (q, u)  * (q’, v) The language accepted (or defined) by M is L (M) = {u   * | (q 0, u)  * (q,  ) for some q  F} Note: Sometimes  is used to denote the empty string

18 Finite Automata & Lexing 18 Example With the machine M = ({p,q,r,s}, {0,1,  }, , p, {q,r}) where the move function is shown in the preceding table. Question 1: Is 01  0  L (M)? Question 2: Is   L (M)? Question 3: Is 0  1  0  L (M)?

19 Finite Automata & Lexing 19 “Complete” Finite State Machines Extend  :

20 Finite Automata & Lexing 20 Complete Finite State Machine Transition Diagram Version p r s q start 0|1   t  0|1|  

21 Finite Automata & Lexing 21 Non-deterministic FSMs A FSM may have a choice of moves, i.e.  is a mapping from Q   to 2 Q. Proposition. Let M 1 be a non-deterministic FSM. Then  a DFSM M 2 for which L (M 2 ) = L (M 1 ). Proposition. Given a NFSM, M, one can construct a right-linear cfg, G, for which L (G) = L (M), and conversely.

22 Finite Automata & Lexing 22 Extended Non-determinism Besides allowing multiple moves on the same input symbol, we can allow moves on the empty string,  ; i.e. for a given state q:  (q,  )  Q

23 Finite Automata & Lexing 23 Examples 0 1 2 3 start a|b a bb 2 4 1 3 0 start   a b b a

24 Finite Automata & Lexing 24 Thompson’s Construction Given a regular expression, r representing a regular set R, construct a non-deterministic finite state machine M that recognizes R, i.e. such that L (M)=R. 1) For  construct i f start 

25 Finite Automata & Lexing 25 Thompson’s Construction 2) For a in  construct i f start a

26 Finite Automata & Lexing 26 Thompson’s Construction 3) Suppose N(s) and N(t) are NFSM's for regular expressions s and t. a) For the regular expression s|t, construct N(s) N(t) s f start   

27 Finite Automata & Lexing 27 Thompson’s Construction b) For the regular expression st, construct: i N(s)N(t) start f

28 Finite Automata & Lexing 28 Thompson’s Construction c) For the regular expression s *, construct N(s) i f    start

29 Finite Automata & Lexing 29 Transforming a NFSM to a DFSM (The Subset Construction) Define:  -closure(s  Q) = {t  Q | s can reach t via only  -moves}  -closure(T  Q) =   -closure(s) move(T  Q, a   ) =   (s,a) sTsT sTsT

30 Finite Automata & Lexing 30 NFSM  DFSM Given M=(Q, , , q 0, F) define M’=(Q’, ,  ’, q’ 0, F’) by: 1) Compute q’ 0 =  -closure(q 0 ). 2) Initialize Q’ with q’ 0 (unmarked). 3) while  an unmarked element q’ of Q’: a) mark q’ b)  a   : -- compute p’ =  -closure(move(q’, a)) -- if p’  Q’ then add p’ (unmarked) to Q’ -- set  ’(q’, a)=p’ 4) F’ = { q’  Q’ |  q  q’  q  F}

31 Finite Automata & Lexing 31 Example Perform Thompson’s Construction on (a|b)*abb to obtain a non-deterministic finite state machine. Perform the subset construction to make it deterministic.

32 Finite Automata & Lexing 32 Simulating a DFSM s:= q 0 a:=nextchar while a  eof { s:=  (s,a) a:=nextchar } if s  F then return “yes” else return “no”

33 Finite Automata & Lexing 33 Simulating a NFSM S:=  -closure({q 0 }) a:=nextchar while a  eof { S:=  -closure(move(S,a)) a:=nextchar } if S  F   then return “yes” else return “no”

34 Finite Automata & Lexing 34 Transforming from NFSM to Right-Linear CFG Given M=(Q, , , q 0, F), construct G=(Q, , P, q 0 ) where 1)  q  F include in P q   2)  q 1, q 2  Q; a    q 2   (q 1, a) include in P q 1  a q 2 3)  q 1, q 2  Q  q 2   (q 1,  ) include in P q 1  q 2

35 Finite Automata & Lexing 35 Example Let M be: (Note, this is not something obtained from Thompson’s Construction, but written by hand.) We have: q 0  a q 0 | b q 0 | a q 1 q 1  b q 2 q 2  b q 3 q 3   0 1 2 3 start a|b a bb

36 Finite Automata & Lexing 36 RLG  Regular Expression The algorithm resembles Gaussian Elimination. Notice that all of the “A-rules” can be “grouped” by the non-terminal on the right side of the right- part and “factored”: A   0 A A   1 A 1 A   2 A 2 … A   n-1 A n-1 A   n where the  i are regular expressions over 

37 Finite Automata & Lexing 37 RLG  Regular Expression Then A can be written as the following regular expression over V: A =  0 * (  1 A 1 |  2 A 2 | … |  n-1 A n-1 |  n ) and the above regular expression can be substituted for A everywhere A appears in the grammar. Following that, all rules can again be written in the foregoing “factored” form.

38 Finite Automata & Lexing 38 RLG  Regular Expression Given a right-linear grammar G=(N, . P, S): A) repeat 1) write all rules in “factored” form. 2) choose some non-terminal, A  S, to eliminate. 3) compute the regular expression, r, which is equivalent to A, and substitute r in place of A everywhere in G. 4) delete all A-rules from G until only S-rules remain B) compute the regular expression, r, to which S is equivalent.

39 Finite Automata & Lexing 39 Example Recall q 0  a q 0 | b q 0 | a q 1 q 1  b q 2 q 2  b q 3 q 3   Rewriteq 0  (a | b) q 0 | a q 1 q 1  b q 2 q 2  b q 3 q 3  

40 Finite Automata & Lexing 40 Example Eliminate q 3 q 0  (a | b) q 0 | a q 1 q 1  b q 2 q 2  b Eliminate q 2 q 0  (a | b) q 0 | a q 1 q 1  b b Eliminate q 1 q 0  (a | b) q 0 | a b b Compute q 0 q 0 = (a | b) * a b b

41 Finite Automata & Lexing 41 Limitations of FSMs FSMs have a fixed numbers of states For this reason, there are objects that cannot be recognized by FSMs. For example there is no FSM that can recognize palindromes of arbitrary length. The DO keyword in Fortran cannot be expressed as a regular expression.

42 Finite Automata & Lexing 42 Minimization of DFSM’s Well-known algorithm (due to Hopcroft), useful in many other circumstances. 1) Initially partition Q into two groups, F and Q-F. 2) repeat  group, G, of the partition, split G into multiple sub-groups, if incompatible transitions are found among members of G. until no further changes occur

43 Finite Automata & Lexing 43 Example final

44 Finite Automata & Lexing 44 Algebraic Properties

45 Finite Automata & Lexing 45 Shorthand Notations (a) + denotes one or more instance r* = r+ |  r+ = rr* (r)? denotes zero or one instance r? = r |  [a-z] denotes a|b|c|..|z

46 Finite Automata & Lexing 46 Examples [a-zA-Z] + denotes string of one or more characters [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] + denotes valid identifiers in Fortran [0-9] + (.[0-9] + )?(E(+|-)?[0-9] + )? denotes valid unsigned Pascal numbers

47 Finite Automata & Lexing 47 Extended Transition Diagrams for Parts of Pascal

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