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Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders

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Presentation on theme: "Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders

2 Schizophrenia Most severe 1% of U.S.
50% of people admitted to mental hospitals Begins in late teens/early adulthood Rarely before teens or after 45 Effects both men and women

3 Symptoms Two Types -Positive – excessive behaviors
-Negative – deficits in behaviors

4 Symptoms Delusional beliefs Hallucinations
Persecution – people are plotting to harm them Grandeur – they are someone important Hallucinations Visual or hearing voices Disorganized speech and thought Word salad Emotional and behavioral disturbances Exaggerated to inappropriate to no emotions

5 Theories of Causes Genetics Biological – Dopamine Hypothesis
Over activity of dopamine neurons in brain Diathesis – stress model Inherited or environmental predisposition Stressful events then trigger it video

6 Dissociative Disorders
-Disruption in the conscious process

7 Dissociative Amnesia Person can not remember things and no physical reason for this loss Dissociate from painful memories – fugue state

8 Dissociative Identity Disorder
DID Multiple personality disorder Person has several personalities instead of one People with DID -history of sex abuse or other childhood trauma

9 Theories about Causes of DID
Extremely traumatic event has been repressed Rare outside of U.S. Critics Is it legit? Role- play disorder Crash Course

10 Personality Disorders
Characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning Crash Course

11 Antisocial Personality Disorder
Sociopath or psychopath Has little regard for other’s feelings – including family and friends Bring pain to others Criminals Strikes in early 20s Mostly men

12 Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Grandiosity Need for admiration Lacks empathy Takes advantages of others Arrogant Extreme jealousy video

13 Histrionic Personality Disorder
Attention seeking behavior Inappropriate sexual behavior Rapidly shifting and shallow display of emotions Dramatic video

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