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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL MEDIA K-12 Education. INNOVATION-DEVELOPMENT PROCESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIAL MEDIA K-12 Education


3 DIFFUSION OF SOCIAL MEDIA 4 Stages Need Research Development Commercialization Twitter in the elementary classroom: “They’re learning the real purpose and power of literacy: communication. If they’re using language and technology in this way in first and second grade, there is no telling what they’ll be doing in years to come” (Kurtz, 2009).

4 NEED Why is social media needed in the classroom?  Students use social media everyday and if teachers were to use it in the classroom they could increase student engagement in all subjects.  Students of today learn differently and using social media would give teachers a way to reach more students, especially students with disabilities.  Teachers can connect with students using a technology they readily accept. “Online social networks provide teachers and students with a platform in which they can interact beyond the constraints of the school walls, and with which the teacher can provide personalized feedback and support” (Picardo, 2011).

5 RESEARCH What research was done to show the benefits of social media?  Jeff Kurtz: Twitter in the elementary classroom  Steven Bynum: Social media in middle and high school classrooms  Jeffrey Young: Twitter in higher education

6 DEVELOPMENT What was the development process?  Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis: Usenet History  Compuserve History  Hotmail History  America Online History  More student engagement  Using 21 st Century Technology with the 21 st Century child  Improve communication between teachers, students, and parents  Preparing students for future employment in the 21 st Century and beyond Pros to social media in the classroom

7 DEVELOPMENT What was the development process?  ICQ (Internet Relay Chat)  Facebook  Twitter  Google+ Cons to social media in the classroom  Schools have the sites blocked  Cyberbullying  It’s a distraction in the classroom  Moves away from face-to-face communication

8 COMMERCIALIZATION How can social media be diffused into the classroom?  Group of teachers tries one social media and reports back about successes and failures  Create committees to discuss and implement social media into the classroom  Get feedback from students and parents


10 P ROCESS OF ADOPTION 5 Stages Knowledge Persuasion Decision Implementation Confirmation

11 1979: Usenet and BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) 1979 1980: Compuserve and Prodigy 1980 1991 1991: America Online (AOL) 1997 200420062011 1997: ICQ (Internet Relay Chat)2004: Facebook2006: Twitter2011: Google+ Social Media Innovation Timeline

12 Teacher A: Twitter Principal Admin Staff Faculty/ Teachers Parents Students COMMUNICATION CHANNELS

13 R EFERENCES Kurtz, J. (2009). Twittering about learning: Using twitter in an elementary school classroom. Horace, 25(1). Retrieved from Picardo, J. (2011, May 14). The case for online social networking in education [Web log post]. Retrieved from: networking-in-education/


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