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Listening and Speaking Workshop Giving a Persuasive Speech Speaking Assignment Adapt Your Written Analysis Rehearse and Deliver Your Speech Practice and.

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Presentation on theme: "Listening and Speaking Workshop Giving a Persuasive Speech Speaking Assignment Adapt Your Written Analysis Rehearse and Deliver Your Speech Practice and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening and Speaking Workshop Giving a Persuasive Speech Speaking Assignment Adapt Your Written Analysis Rehearse and Deliver Your Speech Practice and Apply Feature Menu

2 Speaking Assignment: Adapt a written analysis into a formal persuasive speech that addresses a problem and presents a solution. Giving a Persuasive Speech Have you ever felt moved by a public speaker’s call to action? How did that speaker grab and hold your attention? In this workshop, you will learn to adapt the problem-solution analysis you have just completed into a convincing persuasive speech. [End of Section]

3 Giving a Persuasive Speech Your purpose in giving a persuasive speech is to point out a particular problem convince an audience that you have the best solution for the problem problem solution

4 Giving a Persuasive Speech identifies the issue expresses your opinion about it shows us the best solution to the problem Thesis The thesis of a persuasive speech is an assertion— a statement that Thesis High school students should apply their creative talents to help younger children learn healthy eating habits.

5 Giving a Persuasive Speech clarify what you mean stay within the time limit of 2 minutes a convincing solution is simple. Simplify the explanations of the problem and solutions Read your speech aloud, and time yourself. Then add or subtract information as necessary to

6 Giving a Persuasive Speech As necessary, do additional research or interview other people to provide additional reasons and evidence to support your proposed solutions learn of other concerns and counterarguments your listeners may have

7 Giving a Persuasive Speech Organize your speech in a logical, coherent order. Thesis Statement Background Information Proposed Solution Call to Action Reasons and evidence in order of importance: 1.Reason 2.Second strongest reason 3.Strongest reason [End of Section]

8 Giving a Persuasive Speech Rehearse and Deliver Your Speech maintaining eye contact as you speak Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror or a few friends. Practice speaking loudly, slowly, and expressively enough to be heard at the back of the room

9 Giving a Persuasive Speech Adapt Your Written Analysis Reasons may include the rhetorical devices listed below. Rhetorical Devices Logical Appealsprovide solid reasoning Emotional Appealsuse language to inspire strong feelings Ethical Appealsaddress the listeners’ sense of right and wrong, and establish the credibility of the speaker

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