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Out-of-State Tobacco Products Wholesale Dealer’s Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Out-of-State Tobacco Products Wholesale Dealer’s Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Out-of-State Tobacco Products Wholesale Dealer’s Report

2 Log into EDS using the username and password provided with registration.

3 This is a screen shot of the EDS homepage after log in. To file a new report, click on the link under File a New Report.

4 The General Information page will open with information auto populated from the registration process. The red arrows below indicate required fields that must be selected from pull down menus. A selection indicating the Reporting Period and a selection from the Amended? menus must be made. Add the Report Submitted By name, which is the person verifying the submitted information.

5 Saving The Report Click on the Computation of Tax tab and then click on the Save button.

6 After saving, the report can be viewed and edited by clicking on Home, My Reports or on the Click here to view your saved Report link. Confirmation Page

7 Adding Report Detail

8 Report Detail tab showing required fields

9 If the license number of the supplier is known, type it into the Florida Retailer Permit # and click on the Lookup button.

10 The Florida Retailer Name and Address fields should populate. If the permit number is unknown, type the name of the retailer into the Florida Retailer Name field and click on Lookup.

11 If there are multiple Lookup returns to choose from, another window will open. Click on the appropriate radio button and click OK at the bottom of the window.

12 Resources You may research license/permit numbers from the Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco’s webpage. For more information on filing electronically:

13 If a license/permit number cannot be located by using the Lookup feature please contact EDS support via email for assistance. EDS.Support@MYFLORIDALICENSE.COM

14 A screenshot of a sample transaction detail page. When all required fields are satisfied, click on the Add Transaction button.

15 Screen shot showing a recorded transaction with summaries at the bottom

16 Computation of Tax screen shot showing totals

17 Helpful Hint Save your report often. This helps guard against data loss and is considered a “best practice”.

18 Submitting a Report When all of the transaction detail has been entered, the report is ready for submission. Save the report one more time. Click on the Computation of Tax tab and then click on the SAVE button.

19 After the save is successfully confirmed, click on one of the links shown below to go back into the report.

20 From the View Reports screen, click on the view report number.

21 Click on the Computation of Tax tab.

22 Click on the Submit Report button to submit.

23 Click on OK if the report is ready to be submitted.

24 This is a screen shot of the confirmation page after submission. If this screen does not appear, the report has not been submitted. You must see this confirmation page for a successful save or submission to have been completed.

25 Technical Support EDS.SUPPORT@MYFLORIDALICENSE.COM Contact EDS Support for technical questions or to report a problem. If you need assistance filling out a report, contact your district office.

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