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FIDIS & PRIME Project Views SecurIST Inaugural Workshop Brussels, 2005-01-18 Kai Rannenberg Goethe University Frankfurt

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1 FIDIS & PRIME Project Views SecurIST Inaugural Workshop Brussels, 2005-01-18 Kai Rannenberg Goethe University Frankfurt

2 2  FIDIS  Future of Identity in the Information Society (  PRIME  Privacy and Identity Management for Europe (

3 3 Identity Management in the Information Society  IT puts more HighTech on ID cards Biometrics to bind them closer to a human being Chips to add services (such as a PKI)  Profiles may make the „traditional“ ID concept obsolete People are represented not by numbers or ID keys any more but by data sets. Identities become “a fuzzy thing”.  New IDs and ID management systems are coming up Mobile communication (GSM) has introduced a globally interoperable „ID token“: the Subscriber Identity Module eBay lets people trade using Pseudonyms.  Europe (the EU) consider joint IDs and ID management systems European countries have different traditions on identity card use. Compatibility of ID systems is not trivial.  …

4 4 Joint Research Topics/Activities  „Identity of Identity“ State of things, taxonomy  Profiling  Interoperability of IDs and ID management systems  Forensic Implications  De-Identification  The HighTechID  Mobility and Identity

5 5 Database IMS

6 6 First Results of IMS Comparison Main goal: usefulness Deficiencies concerning privacy and security functionality, and if realised: usability problems Digital evidence is not addressed (lack of liability / no non-repudiation), no support for law enforcement Identity theft is not prevented Little functionality, limited purposes No general solutions, no standards Trustworthy computer systems and infrastructure are still missing  no trustworthy and secure IMS possible Business models: Service and software mostly free for users Today’s IMS: Playground for users & service providers

7 Page 7 PRIME Vision In the Information Society, users can act and interact in a safe and secure way while retaining control of their private sphere.

8 Page 8 PRIME Solution Approaches User focused identity management –Anonymous Credentials & Strong Pseudonyms –Obligation Management –New trust concepts (Trusted Computing, Assurance) –Attribute based access control –Support for Location Based Services and other application scenarios

9 9 Challenges and potential for FP 7 1/2  User policy-driven (determined) and privacy friendly access control Users are put in a trade-off  Privacy vs.  Gimmicks … and make them “feel” the results of their actions quickly.  Graceful integration Interoperability of heterogeneous systems Standardisation within a developing field Respect for separations of domains that had been natural before  A secure identity carrier beyond the chip card or SIM: TPM phones or PDAs?  Careful evaluation of biometric patterns and mechanisms

10 10 Challenges and potential for FP 7 2/2  Security and Protection in applications along the value chain considering the views of the respective stakeholders (Multilateral Security)  Take care of the “If the data is used for providing the service, we want them too”-Paradigm/Challenge/

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