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The Stepping Stones programme Devons Integrated Provision Strategy for Children and Young People in Devon (0-19)

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Presentation on theme: "The Stepping Stones programme Devons Integrated Provision Strategy for Children and Young People in Devon (0-19)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Stepping Stones programme Devons Integrated Provision Strategy for Children and Young People in Devon (0-19)

2 To develop a continuum of provision to meet a continuum of need for all Children and Young People in Devon. For most children in Devon educational and indeed social needs are provided for by mainstream schools, families and communities. However, a number of Children and Young People will have additional needs and the continuum of provision needs to be able to respond to, and meet, these needs. As part of the vision it is intended that that children and young people should be able to access services and provision within their Local Learning Communities wherever possible. Some children with complex needs will require access to specialist support in additionally resourced provision or special schools. The Vision for Stepping Stones

3 Developing a continuum of provision Low High Continuum of need UNIVERSAL LOCAL REGIONAL

4 The Ps Places People Processes Practice

5 Collective responsibility Every child and any child Quality teaching – Nurturing environment Local learning communities Local networks Multi-agency / Early response service (ERS) (and further response service FRS) Access to specialist support Access to out of catchment provision

6 Regional (X4) FRS Enhanced Provision (Out of catchment) Primary Support Centre AXS Primary Support Centre AXS Primary Support Centre AXS - Local learning communities – varying in size and levels of need ERS Primary Support Centre AXS Primary Support Centre AXS Communications hub

7 Primary Support Centres A meeting place for partnerships of schools and other locally based providers of support for children and schools Prime focus outreach and intervention Potential to develop services locally Close links to enhanced provision centres Linked to/aligned with AXS clusters

8 Enhanced provision Bases linked to mainstream schools - providing support for children who require a period of personalised education and support to meet a wide range of additional needs. Ongoing links with ‘feeder’ school Working towards reintegration Centres for outreach Multi-agency workng

9 Issues Filling the gaps Students on role – whose responsibility are they? Measuring progress of students Measuring effectiveness of interventions and effective use of resources Quality assurance of alternative packages of support


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