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DEVELOPMENTS IN UK QUALITY ASSURANCE Anthony McClaran Chief Executive, QAA June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENTS IN UK QUALITY ASSURANCE Anthony McClaran Chief Executive, QAA June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENTS IN UK QUALITY ASSURANCE Anthony McClaran Chief Executive, QAA June 2012

2 Developments in quality assurance i)Transition to new review methods ii)Common framework for UK quality assurance iii)The new UK Quality Code for Higher Education iv)Key information sets v)Engaging students in quality assurance vi)Government response to White Paper and Technical Consultation

3 INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW IN ENGLAND & NORTHERN IRELAND (IRENI)  Institutional Review in England & Northern Ireland  Began September 2011 (replacing Institutional Audit)  Four main judgments on:  Threshold standards  Learning opportunities for students  Enhancement  Public information (from September 2012)  16 reviews for 2011-12  26 planned for 2012-13

4 INTEGRATED QUALITY & ENHANCEMENT REVIEW (IQER) Review method for Further Education Colleges Introduced in the 2007-08 academic year by QAA IQER ends this summer SINCE 2007: AROUND 500 DEVELOPMENTAL ENGAGEMENTS & SUMMATIVE REVIEWS COMPLETED

5 WHAT FOLLOWS IQER? COMMON REVIEW FRAMEWORK IRENI (Institutional Review in England & Northern Ireland) RHEFE (Review of HE in FE) UK Quality Code for HE

6 A COMMON FRAMEWORK FOR THE UK  UK-wide framework of quality assurance  Applied to all providers in the higher education market  Adapted in different countries  Recognising the value of enhancement “All UK higher education, irrespective of how it is funded, should be underpinned by the same quality assurance framework.” From QAA Response to Technical Consultation

7 THE NEW UK QUALITY CODE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION  Replaces the Academic Infrastructure  For the first time, includes new chapters on:  Learning & Teaching  Student Engagement  Student Support  Information about Higher Education  Published in chapters, following consultation  First chapters released December 2011  Complete Code to be published by end of 2013

8 CONSULTATION TIMETABLE FOR THE CODE  Consultations completed on chapters for:  Student engagement  Information about higher education provision  Research degrees  Upcoming consultations:  Learning & teaching (May/June)  Collaborative provision (Aug-Oct)  Student support (Oct-Nov)  Complaints & appeals (Nov-Dec)  Threshold academic standards (Jan-Feb 13)  Assessment & accreditation of prior learning (Mar-Apr 13)  Programme design, approval, monitoring and review (May-June 13)  Admissions (June-July 13)

9 KEY INFORMATION & INFORMED CHOICES  Public information: new formal requirement for higher education - Key Information Sets (KIS)  QAA will make formal judgements on public information provision from this September  Information must be:  Fit for purpose  Accessible  Trustworthy

10 QAA COMMITMENT TO STUDENTS From the QAA Strategy 2011-14: Aim 1: To meet students' needs and be valued by them We will work to ensure that all students get the best possible educational experience. We will support universities and colleges as they aim to meet and shape students’ expectations. We will communicate clearly to students about standards and quality, and will work with them as partners. We will respond to the views and diverse needs of students, and will protect their interests.

11 ENGAGING STUDENTS IN QUALITY ASSURANCE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Students on QAA Board Student Sounding Board Student reviewers Student consultations New Concerns & Complaints procedure PUBLIC INFORMATION Simplifying our language Shorter, clearer reports and publications Materials tailored for students Researching and understanding what matters to students

12 GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO CONSULTATIONS  No primary legislation (HE Bill/ Draft HE Bill)  University Title for institutions with more than 1,000 students (from 4,000)  Alternative providers will come under:  Student number controls  QAA quality assurance framework  Reinforcement of a risk-based quality assurance approach


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