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Company Presentation. Learning Objectives 1.Identifying the structure of a company presentation 2.Developing communication skills to a. talk about a company.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Presentation. Learning Objectives 1.Identifying the structure of a company presentation 2.Developing communication skills to a. talk about a company."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Presentation

2 Learning Objectives 1.Identifying the structure of a company presentation 2.Developing communication skills to a. talk about a company profile b. answer general questions about a company c. give a brief self-introduction d. give an introduction to a company presentation

3 Duration and Sections 4 hours 1st part: Structure a. identifying the structure of a company profile, b. giving a brief self-introduction c. giving an introduction to a company presentation 2nd part: Communication a. talking about the profile of Linuo Import and Export Company Ltd. b. asking general questions about a company c. answering general questions about a company

4 jobs 技术员,专家 摄影师 收银员,出纳员 会计 指挥 教练 美容师 记者 厨师 跟单员 Technician Photographer Cashier Accountant Conductor Coach Beautician Reporter, journalist Chef cook Merchandiser ['m ɝ t ʃ ən,da ɪ z ɚ ]

5 Vocabulary building 总部 总裁 董事会 人事部 跨国公司 乡镇企业 营业额 生产能力 亏本 引进人才 总资产 管理机制 Headquarters CEO Board of directors Personnel Department Multinational corporation Township enterprise Turnover Manufacturing capacity Lose money/ run in red Bring in talents Total assets Management system

6 Structure of company presentations What can be regarded as ingredients of a failed presentation?

7 Getting lost in details Going off topic Running overtime Pretending to know all Poor organization of content Uncomfortable voice pitch or pace Overuse of visual aids

8 What are the elements of an effective presentation? 1.Effective organization of information 2.Effective delivery of information 3.Effective use of language 4.Never forgetting your audience 5.Allowing participation through questions or comments

9 Organization of information Clear structure: Clear beginning, body and end Clear content: main points and supporting points Interesting level of information: starting in the audience’s area of interest

10 Delivery of information Personal image: formal or informal; relaxed or high-powered Knowing audience’s interests Body language and eye contact Voice audibility and clarity; pace and pitch, pauses, questions and humor Technical support visual aids such as slides, flip charts, transparencies (背后装 灯的透明画 ), ppt.

11 Use of language Vocabulary : right word for written or spoken language Grammar: correct; formal or informal Pronunciation: word stress in sentences Fluency : vary sentence structure and length Speed: link you ideas and do not talk too quickly

12 Discussion: Do you know the profile of your company or university? Can you present it in English? How many departments are there in your company or university? Can you draw an organization chart that shows the structure of your company or university and then describe it in English?

13 Brief introduction Given at the very beginning, including: 1.What are you going to talk about 2.How long you will take 3.What your main parts or sections will be 4.Whether you ‘d welcome questions during the talk or only at the end

14 Introducing yourself and your talk Greetings and self-introduction 1 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am very honored/pleased to be here today and address such a distinguished audience. My name is… and I’m in charge of/responsible for… 2. Ladies and gentlemen, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to brief you on… But before we start, let me say a few words about my own back –ground. My name is…

15 Title /subject 1. The subject/topic/focus of my presentation/talk/speech is… 2. I’d like to tell you something about…/introduce to you… 3. I’m going to brief/update you on…

16 Purpose/objective 1. We are gathered here today to discuss/decide/review… 2. The purpose/aim of this presentation is to… 3. This talk is designed with a view to… 4. Hopefully, my talk can serve as a catalyst/springboard for our discussion.

17 Length My talk will last…. I plan to be brief and will only take…minutes of your time.

18 Outline/main parts I am going to look at/approach this subject from the following perspective/ areas/aspects: Firstly/last but not least/lastly… I’ve broken down/divided my presentation into three parts/sections. There are as follows…

19 Questions If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt as I go along. I will leave ten minutes for Q&A at the end of my talk. I would be glad to answer your questions at the end of my talk. As there is quite a lot to cover, I would appreciate it very much if you can hold any questions until I finish my talk.

20 Translation practice 1. 女士们,先生们,早上好。很荣幸能向大家介 绍。。。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am honored to give you a presentation on….. 1. 我的名字叫。。。我负责。。。 My name is…… I’m in charge of….. 1. 我将我的介绍分成三个部分。首先我会向大家 介绍一下。。。其次我想谈一下。。。最后我 想谈一下。。。 I have divided my presentation into 3 parts. Firstly, I’d like to introduce to you…Next, I’d like to talk about….. Finally, I will say something about…

21 1. 如果大家有什么问题的话,请在我的介绍过程中随时提 问。 If you have any questions, please feel free to ask as I go along. 1. 如果大家能在我的介绍完成之后再提问的话,我将不胜 感激。 I would be most grateful if you can hold any questions until the end of my presentation. 1. 关于。。。我就说这么多。 That’s all I want to say about…… 1. 我们公司始建于。。。它的前身是。。。 Our company was founded in…. It started out as…..

22 Translation practice 8. 我们公司于 2000 年收购了。。。,并在同年在美国 纳斯达克上市。从而成为本行业的领头人。 In the year 2000, our company succeeded in taking over… and was listed on Nasdaq in the same year. As a result, we become a leader in our industry. 9. 我们公司共有五个部门,包括。。。 There are 5deparments in our company, including…… 10. 我们公司有。。。名员工,其中有本科或本科以 上学历的有。。。人。 We have a staff of…., among which…. Hold a bachelor’s degree or above.

23 11. 我们是一家跨国集团公司。总部设在。。。并在。。。国家 和地区建立了子公司或办事处。 We are a multinational company. Our headquarters is located in ….and we have established subsidiaries and branch offices in more than…countries and regions. 12. 我们公司去年的营业额达。。。利润达。。。 Last year, our company earned a business turnover of… and a profit of… 13. 。。。是我们公司的主席兼总裁,。。。担任首席运营总裁。 ….serves as the chairman and CEO of our company and… is our COO. 14. 。。。负责生产部,。。。负责市场营销部。他们直接向总 裁负责。 ….oversees the production department and ….runs the marketing department. They both report directly to the CEO

24 Oral practice Below is the company profile of a leading multinational company. Work in groups and make a presentation with the information provided.

25 Oral practice Make a presentation to introduce your company to the class. 介绍你的公司简况。

26 . 1930 年成立 财富 500 强中排名第 54 位 全球销售额: 520 亿美元 总市值: 466 亿美元( 1999 年) 全球拥有约 290000 名员工 在 150 个国家推广其品牌,在 90 个国家拥有 生产基地 研发开发年经费: 50 亿美元 世界第一位的香皂,冷冻食品,冰激淋和茶 制造商

27 . 市场领先产品类别: 欧洲:冰激淋,茶饮料,黄油,调味品,冷冻 食品,个人洗涤用品及除臭剂 北美:冰激凌,茶饮料,黄油,佐餐调料,个 人洗涤及大众护肤用品 发展中国家:织物清洁剂,护发用品,大众护 肤用品,个人洗涤

28 Assignment Prepare a presentation of the company in about 5 minutes Present it in class next time

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