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 Revise and Edit Rough Drafts  Activity 1.12 “Is the American Dream Still Possible?” OBJECTIVE: IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE AND AUTHOR’S ARGUMENT. IDENTIFY.

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2  Revise and Edit Rough Drafts  Activity 1.12 “Is the American Dream Still Possible?” OBJECTIVE: IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE AND AUTHOR’S ARGUMENT. IDENTIFY ASPECTS OF THE AMERICAN DREAM.


4 Scoring Criteria Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete IDEAS ~Thesis Focused, clearly stated Clear Unfocused or limited Weak or missing ~Evidence Relevant, significant, and substantial RelevantWeak Underdevelope d or missing evidence ~Multiple Sources Synthesizes multiple relevant perspectives Incorporates information Inconsistently incorporated information Insufficiently incorporates information

5 STRUCTURE ~Organization of ideas New elements build to a unified whole New element build on that which is preceded to create cohesion Limited cohesion with inconsistent connections Limited cohesions; expected elements missing ~Introduction and Conclusion Effective and engaging that articulate the significance of the topic Clear and focused Underdeveloped or unfocused lacks an introduction or conclusion ~Definition Strategies Uses a variety of strategies with skill and purpose Uses strategies effectively Attempts to use strategies Uses few or no strategies ~TransitionsUses a variety of meaningful transitions Uses transitionsAttempts to use transitions Limited use of transitions

6 USE OF LANGUAGE ~Diction and Syntax Precise diction and variety of sentence types to enhance the understanding of a complex topic Uses diction and a variety of sentence types that manage the topic Uses diction that is inconsistent and provides little variety in sentence structure Uses diction that is inappropriat e at times; shows little to no variety in sentence structure ~Grammar and Usage Superior command of conventions of standard English Command of conventions with only minor errors Attempts to follow conventions; errors may cause confusion Contains errors that interfere with meaning


8  What are the four components of argument?  CLAIM  APPEAL TO LOGOS  APPEAL TO PATHOS  APPEAL TO ETHOS

9  Survey p. 54  “Is the American Dream Still Possible?  Definition of the Dream  Still Possible?   NYT "AMERICAN DREAM" NYT "AMERICAN DREAM"  The American Dream The American Dream  Clip from John Stossel

10  Paragraph One: Underline the definition of the American Dream  Rest of the Story: Underline evidence supplied for the claim.  Answer the Key Ideas and Details along the way. THIS IS DUE NEXT TIME!!

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