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Positive Change: Creating Real Impact.  Michael Edson – Smithsonian Institution ◦ The Dark Matter of the Internet ◦

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Change: Creating Real Impact.  Michael Edson – Smithsonian Institution ◦ The Dark Matter of the Internet ◦"— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Change: Creating Real Impact

2  Michael Edson – Smithsonian Institution ◦ The Dark Matter of the Internet ◦

3  Rachel Neaman – Go ON UK ◦ Digital Inclusion – the big mission ◦ 1 in 5 adults in UK lack basic digital skills ◦ 25% of new jobs are advertised online only ◦ Only 30% of UK small businesses capable of marketing and selling goods online ◦ Based on current trends the UK won’t meet the EU target for the number of businesses operating online by 2015

4  New Blueprints for Libraries  Technology Innovation and Impact  Content Innovation

5  Technology futures– Brian Kelly ◦ NMC Horizon Report 2014 (Library Edition)  Real-world tech – making a difference with 3D printers – Heather Moorefield-Lang and Maureen Hood

6  Marketing and Impact  Search and Discovery  Closer to Communities and Customers

7  Co-creation, co-operation & communities – David Gill (Solihull life in a day) ◦ ◦

8 

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