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BBC6521 Project Dr Cathryn Peoples Skype: cathryn.peoples.

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Presentation on theme: "BBC6521 Project Dr Cathryn Peoples Skype: cathryn.peoples."— Presentation transcript:

1 BBC6521 Project Dr Cathryn Peoples Skype: cathryn.peoples

2 Contact Details Dr Cathryn Peoples Skype: cathryn.peoples Room 206 (Engineering building) School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road London E1 4NS United Kingdom 2

3 Biography  Cathryn Peoples received the BA degree (with honours and diploma in industrial studies) in Business Studies with Computing, MSc degree in Telecommunications and Internet Systems, and PhD degree in Networking from Ulster University, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom in 2004, 2005, and 2009, respectively.  She became a Certified Associate in Project Management in August 2008 and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in February 2015.  Cathryn has been employed as a Teaching Fellow in the Faculty of Computing and Engineering at Ulster University, teaching on an MSc degree in Professional Software Development.  Prior to her appointment into this post, she worked as a Research Associate at Ulster University in the Area of next generation networking.  Her research interests include cloud management, cross-layer protocol optimisation, delay-tolerant networking, smart cities, and green IT.  She won an achievement award in recognition and appreciation of service contributions in the field of network security for the 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing, and won the Best Paper award at the 3 rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics in 2014.  Cathryn is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) professional bodies. 3


5 My Project Supervision for BBC6521 2015-16 5

6 Project Titles  Smart Cities 6 IDProject Title Notes QCP3A Protocol to Support Device-to-device Communication in the Smart City Like DDS protocol, Data Distribution Service. QCP4A Protocol to Support Device-to-infrastructure Communications in the Smart City Like MQTT, XMPP protocols. QCP5A Middleware to Support Operation in the Smart City* (potential of targeting the International Middleware Conference) Like Oracle Fusion Middleware, IoT-A. QCP6Efficient Quality of Service Monitoring of Smart City Data Repositories Like OpenIoT-D46-140805.

7 7

8 Project Titles  Smart Cities 8 IDProject TitleNotes QCP7A Website to Promote Wellbeing in Smart Cities* (potential of targeting the International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communications & Healthcare) Researching and implementing a solution to contribute to improving wellbeing using technology.

9 Previous Project Experience in Improving Wellbeing using Information Technologies 9

10 Wellbeing Website Solution Front-end 10

11 Wellbeing Website Solution Front-end 11

12 Wellbeing Website Solution Front-end 12

13 Project Titles  Smart Cities 13 IDProject TitleNotes QCP8Dynamic Operation of the NS-3 Flow Monitor for Efficiency Objectives in Smart Cities Open, standardised protocol, not vendor-specific, application-agnostic

14 Project Titles  Cloud Management 14 IDProject TitleNotes QCP2Managing the Digital Legacy in ‘Green’ Clouds* (potential of targeting the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing) Potential to contribute to work of the CMWG, potential to contribute a commercial product.

15 15 Recent Paper Accepted on Digital Legacy Management

16 Digital Legacy Management: Website Front-end 16

17 Project Titles  eCommerce 17 IDProject TitleNotes QCP9Routing Money in the Smart City IoTContribute to routing protocol standards specific to IoT. QCP10Bitcoin Incentive Programme: An Algorithm to Dynamically Adapt the Incentive Offered for Optimised Uptake Potential to contribute to IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering QCP11A Website Supporting Bitcoin Payments and Minimises Negative Impact of the Value Volatility of Cryptocurrency Potential of contributing a commercial product.

18 Project Titles  Networking in Deep Space 18 IDProject TitleNotes QCP1Supporting Deep Space Missions using the Linux OS* (Potential of targeting IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering) Potential of contribution to the DTNRG  C.Peoples, G. Parr, B. Scotney and A. Moore, "Autonomic Context-Aware Management in Interplanetary Communications Systems," IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 2, Feb. 2011, pp. 26-33; doi: 10.1109/MAES.2011.5739487.


20 Project Management in Slack 20

21 21

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23 My Expectations of Project Students  Be responsible  Be independent  Take risks  Be critical  Show authority  Accept feedback and apply  Be responsive 23

24 BBC6521 Project Dr Cathryn Peoples Skype: cathryn.peoples

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