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Presentation on theme: "SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA WFC3 and StarView"— Presentation transcript:


2 WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 2 of 9 Overview  Java application; interface to search archive meta-data and create data retrieval requests.  Web interface for science queries also exists.  WFC3 will be another HST instrument for StarView – Driven by DADS and Keyword databases. – WFC3 implementation similar to aspect of WFPC2 and NICMOS. – Similar search forms (Association, Reference Files/OTFR, Instrument, and Calibration). > StarView team will work with WFC3 teams in design (layout and content) of forms. > Form(s) and functionality for TV to be delivered by April 2002.

3 WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 3 of 9 StarView Example  Here we would load a search form for WFC3 (STIS…).  Note WFC3 information will also be seen in Quick, General, and other common Search forms.

4 WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 4 of 9 Instrument Search  WFC3 screen would be similar with WFC3 specific info.  Similar detailed screens for other functionality (e.g. OTFR/ Reference file lookup).  Can make searches that are unique for WFC3 if needed.

5 WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 5 of 9 Other Features  Tabular view of results (customizable).  DSS image with overlay of HST apertures  Ability to easily make custom forms with information in DADS database.

6 WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 6 of 9 Data Previews  Preview of 2d images – Smaller (800  800 lower resolution 8 bit integer) FITS images.  Previews currently created by CADC. – WFC3 previews from them are currently under discussion.

7 WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 7 of 9 Retrieval  Selected datasets are marked for retrieval.  Has “shopping cart.”  Can add datasets manually by hand or from a text file.  Can save shopping cart list to be used again later.  Can resubmit retrieval requests  Command line interface allows some automation.

8 WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 8 of 9 Retrieval Submission  Prompts user for information on what and how to retrieve.  Can use archive retrieval keywords (calibrated data, uncalibrated…) or archive class and/or extensions to get exactly what is needed.   New DADS system will extend functionality. – – CD/DVD delivery in addition to DAT and Exabyte tapes. – – Delivery with gzip compression option (saves ~20% from normal calibrated WFPC2 datasets). – – File Structure options (rather than all files in one directory).

9 WFC3 PIPELINE CDR Niall Gaffney October 16, 2001WFC3 and StarView Space Telescope Science Institute 9 of 9 Other Features of Note  StarView can use the Proposal database to get abstracts, addresses, and look for conflicts.  StarView can use the CDBS database to get detailed calibration information.  StarView/VTT interface allows users to use archive information for planning future exposures and pointings (and to see how they were done in the past).  Access to data from other instruments/missions for calibration and/or comparison. Demo/tutorials during breaks, after session, or on request.

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